Why Are There Negative Perceptions of Singleness in the Church?
Carrie Stockton - August 23, 2017
Topic: Singleness
Oftentimes the Church and culture portray marriage and intimacy as the ultimate form of love, leading to negative perceptions of singleness within the Church. How can we as believers change this? Dr. Carrie Stockton takes a few minutes to describe why this occurs and how single people can find deep love and true intimacy in friendship, the church, and family.
Carrie Stockton
Carrie serves as the Dean of Student Success at Biola University and has worked at the university since 2001. She held several positions within Undergraduate Admissions before transitioning departments and becoming Director of Academic Advising and Retention in 2008. In 2014, she took on the role of Dean of Student Success and became a member of the President’s Administrative Council. Stockton obtained her B.A. in Business/Economics from Wheaton College (IL), M.A. in Organizational Leadership from Biola University, and is currently finishing her Ph.D. in Higher Education from Azusa Pacific University. Her primary research interests include: women in leadership, postsecondary student success, and social justice in higher education. She resides in Fullerton, California.