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Foundation for a Grace-Filled Marriage

Every Fall, the Biola Center for Marriage and Relationships hosts an event titled, “Going Deeper Together.” Here, couples from across Southern California come to hear a variety of speakers on topics such as forgiveness, grace, and rekindling love. Hear how the conference impacted the Hernandez’

Biblically Sound Teaching—"Although we weren’t exactly sure what a “grace-filled marriage” was, we knew that the conference would be helpful and invigorating for my husband and me since we had gone to a previous Biola Center for Marriage and Relationship event."

Giving Grace and Practicing Gratitude— "The session on giving grace to yourself was very powerful and spoke directly to my [Liz] relationship with myself and with God. This particular session gave me practical strategies, and most importantly opened up conversations that lead to healing with God, my counselor, and my husband. The session on gratitude resonated with us because it gave us really practical ways to extend grace and love to each other, even in our busy lives."

Inspirational—in attending this conference, we walked away with many topics and conversations we wanted to discuss further and understand more about each other. Because of this conference, we had a renewed desire to strive for a Christlike relationship with each other.


The start of the Hernandez' marriage has been resourced by the intentional work that the CMR is doing to grow healthy relationships. Visit our website to find out how you can partner with us! With your help, we can give marriages and relationships the tools that they need to become relationships that last; relationships for life. 
