Strengthening Marriages
“Marriage is the most risky undertaking routinely taken on by the greatest number of people in our society,” states marriage expert Scott Stanley. “What starts out as a relationship of great joy and promise can become the most frustrating and painful endeavor of a lifetime.”
To help you build and sustain a healthy marriage, Biola University's Center for Marriage and Relationships has developed resources that will equip you to learn about God’s design for marriage, grow in emotional and spiritual intimacy, gain practical skills for building a healthy relationship.
Spiritual Intimacy

32 Questions to Spiritual Intimacy
Our desire is to see happy, healthy, Christ-like marriages, where each spouse is continually growing in intimacy with God and with one another. We offer several marital enrichment resources, including:
Online Media Resources
Our goal is to help you build a strong, intimate marriage, by providing biblical wisdom and scholarly insights through our blogs, videos and assessments. We also offer free access to relevant educational content including class sessions, conferences, chapels and videos on YouTube. To access our newest resources, visit our blog and podcast.
Free Relationship Advice
Receive free relationship advice from the CMR over the phone! This is not formal counseling therapy, but rather an opportunity to bring your questions to a trusted, trained individual who can offer wise, biblical counsel on any relationship issues.
Free Relationship Advice hours are offered on:
Monday: 9:30 - 11:30 am
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 - 3:00 pm (virtual only)
Thursday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (virtual only), 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Click here to make an appointment online. You can also make an appointment by calling us at 562-903-4708 or emailing
Marriage Retreats, Conferences and Seminars
We offer marriage conferences, retreats, and workshops led by leading practitioners and scholars from Biola University. We host an annual marriage conference at Biola University in the fall semester called Going Deeper Together. Watch the video below to learn more about Going Deeper Together. Check the events calendar for updated information on our upcoming retreats and workshops.
Professional Counseling Referrals
Professional counseling or therapy provides couples with in-depth or professional counseling services. These services are provided by licensed individuals, such as those who hold an MFT, MFCC or a doctoral degree in counseling. If you would like to request the list of professional counselors, please complete the inquiry form below.