Forming Christian perspectives on relationships
The ability to relate well with others is an essential skill in every sphere of life and is also foundational to societal flourishing. Our Creator fashioned us with a profound need and with a basic human longing for connection and companionship. You have unique opportunities in your college community to build relationships that will last for a lifetime, make deep connections that foster authenticity and growth, and sharpen your relational skills, like communication and conflict management. One of our goals at the Biola University Center for Marriage and Relationships is to help you strengthen your relationships with family, friends, co-workers and others, so that you can make a greater impact for Christ.

Blogs and Podcasts on Singleness
Social Media

To Post or Not to Post?
Online Media Resources
During your college years, you may face challenges in friendships, family and dating relationships, as well as many questions on tough issues, including singleness, sexuality and love. Our goal is to help you address tough relational issues and build godly relationships by providing biblical wisdom and scholarly insights through our blogs, videos and assessments. We also offer free access to relevant educational content including class sessions, conferences, chapels and articles on YouTube. To access our newest resources, visit our blog.
Free Relationship Advice Summer 2023 Hours
Receive free relationship advice from the CMR! This is not formal counseling therapy, but rather an opportunity to bring your questions to a trusted, trained individual who can offer wise, biblical counsel on any relationship issues.
Free Relationship Advice hours are offered on:
Monday: 9:30 - 11:30 am
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 - 3:00 pm (virtual only)
Thursday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (virtual only), 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Click here to make an appointment online. You can also make an appointment by calling us at 562-903-4708 or emailing
The CMR office is located directly to the left of the Biola Cafeteria.
Spring Undergraduate Course
The Center for Marriage and Relationships presents a course on Christian perspectives on marriage and relationships, co-taught by professors Chris and Alisa Grace, Jon and Pam Lunde, and Matt and Willa Williams. In this course, students learn to view all relationships (including friendship, dating, marriage, church, work, and family) through the interdisciplinary lens of communication theory, psychology, and theology, understanding what makes relationships uniquely Christian. The course, offered for 3 credits, is listed as BBST 450-09 and PSYCH 470-02, and will be offered during every spring semester. The course will be held on Wednesdays, at 4:30 pm.