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17 Ways To Make Your Kid's Day

Raising children is a difficult, but rewarding task. As a parent, you already work hard and sacrifice much to care for your children. But in this culture of busyness, it is important to take the time to connect with your children and be intentional about building a relationship with them. Here are some simple but effective ways to express love to your kid and make him or her feel special on an ordinary day.

1. Do your kid’s chores for the day.

2. Plan a special day with your kids, but don’t tell them.

3. Surprise them with their favorite fast-food lunch at school.

4. Listen without judging or giving advice.

5. Buy their favorite snacks.

6. Prepare their favorite breakfast/dinner.

7. Snuggle with them as you put them to bed.

8. Let them pick out whatever treat they want for $1 at the mini-mart.

9. Read their favorite book series and discuss it with them.

10. Compliment them on a job well done.

11. Express appreciation for ordinary and routine things done well.

12. Hug them every morning when they get up and say, “I love you.”

13. Tell them, “I’m so glad you’re my kid and not someone else’s.”

14. Tell them, “If I was your age, I think we’d be good friends.”

15. Express your belief that God will do something great with them throughout their life.

16. Pray a blessing over them before they leave for school.

17. Create a fun family tradition like getting donuts on Saturday mornings.

If you missed it, check out 30 ways to make your wife's day and 30 ways to make your husband's day.
