Test Your Knowledge of Friendships (Part 1/3)
Chris Grace - March 15, 2022
Topic: Friendship

What are the priorities of a biblical friendship? Dr. Chris Grace created a quiz to see if our view of friendship matches up with the Bible's view. Take a brief quiz to see how much you know about what the Bible says about friendship!
How good is your understanding of friendships? Many of us take friendships for granted, sliding into new ones, or maintaining existing ones, with relative ease. Then, due to life changes or geographical moves, we find ourselves in a season of longing and aloneness, having no close intimates. Such a time can be painful, and navigating the ensuing loneliness can take a toll. So whether you find yourself in want, or in a time of plenty with the blessing of good close friendships, it is essential that you be prepared for seasonal changes. It is important that we recognize the essential role friendships play in our lives, that we think through the ways our thoughts and behaviors toward others help or hinder the development of close intimacy, and that we continue to grow and invest in our friendships.
So, how much do you know about friendships? Take the following fun quiz I created and let’s see what your results reveal. Remember, it is for fun, and graded on a curve!
1. The first time God said “It is not good” was when:
A. Satan rebelled
B. Humans sinned
C. Snakes boarded Noah’s Ark
D. Adam was alone
E. TikTok was invented
2. Who were the only people in the Old Testament to be called friends of God?
A. Adam and Eve
B. Elijah and Elisha
C. Abraham and Moses
D. David and Jonathan
E. Sampson and his hair
3. Who were called “friends of God” in the New Testament?
A. John the Baptist
B. Jews and Gentiles
C. All 12 disciples
D. All followers of Jesus
E. All people
4. The percent of college students struggling with loneliness in the fall of 2020?
A. 15%
B. 27%
C. 50%
D. 66%
E. 81%
5. True or False: Researcher on the role of friendships and committed relationships shows that empathetic touch can make a person feel understood, which in turn could activate pain-killing reward mechanisms in the brain.
6. Holding the hand of a friend in pain synchronizes our breathing, heart rate, and brain wave patterns, and increased brain synchronization is associated with:
A. Being married rather than just living together.
B. A calming effect when we are stressed or anxious
C. With less pain
D. All the above
7. When asked “What makes your life meaningful; What is necessary for your happiness?” the most frequent answer was:
A. Being with friends/family
B. Being in nature
C. Time alone
D. Being active
E. Eating amazing food
8. What does the Bible say is God’s remedy for human loneliness?
A. Marriage and sex
B. Friendship and fellowship
C. Family and neighbors
D. Worship and praise
E. Instagram “Likes” and Facebook “Friends”
9. A leading marital expert says that “Forty years of research on what makes for a happy marriage can be summed up with these words:”
A. Seek and enjoy physical intimacy (sex)
B. Have a strong work ethic
C. Be blessed with a tight, close knit family
D. A deep and abiding friendship with each other
E. Stay out of debt
10. True or False: A great friendship is defined by leading experts as “A mutual respect, fondness, and enjoyment of each other’s company, knowing and accepting each other’s likes, dislikes, personality quirks, hopes, and dreams.”
11. In healthy, happy friendships positive interactions outnumber negative interactions by at least what ratio
A. 2 to 1
B. 3 to 1
C. 4 to 1
D. 5 to 1
12. One of the best ways to do friendships well is to:
A. Be mindful of ourselves
B. Be interested, not just interesting
C. Stay in your comfort zone
D. Be quick to speak and slow to listen
Here are answers: 1=D, 2=C, 3=D, 4=D, 5=True, 6=D, 7=A, 8=B, 9=D, 10=True, 11=D, 12=B
If you scored 9 or more correct than you have a great understanding of friendships! If you scored below a 5 than you may want to read this previous blog (“Want Better Friendships?”).
Whatever you scored, do you have any questions or responses to this quiz, or thoughts that were provoked? Post your results (score out of 12) and/or comments and questions below. My next blog will be on The Science of Making and Keeping Friends, and another will cover “Toxic Relationships,” so stay tuned!

Chris Grace
Christopher Grace serves as the director of the Biola University Center for Marriage and Relationships and teaches psychology at Rosemead School of Psychology. He and his wife, Alisa, speak regularly to married couples, churches, singles and college students on the topic of relationships, dating and marriage. Grace earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in experimental social psychology from Colorado State University.