Articles by “Tim Muehlhoff”
"They Are Still Upset At Me!"
Tim Muehlhoff - August 3, 2021
Dear CMR,
With post-argument conflict, what do you do if one spouse is ready to resolve things and the other is still upset and doesn't want to make amends just yet?
Signed, Wanting To Make-Up
The Power of Gratitude
Tim Muehlhoff - May 26, 2021
Did you know that you can re-train your mind? In this week's video, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff shares practical healthy habits of gratitude that can shift your perspective and deeply impact your relationships.
Calling a Marital Truce
Tim Muehlhoff - April 28, 2021
Is your spouse constantly on your nerves? It can be hard to see the positives in our spouse, especially when we go through seasons of trial in our marriage, but changing this mindset can be difficult. In today's video, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff talks through practical ways to change
negative thinking in our relationships and recognize when it's time to "call a truce". -
Can Satan Plant Thoughts?
Tim Muehlhoff - April 14, 2021
25% of everything Jesus taught us had to do with spiritual battle, spiritual opposition, and Satan. But are we ignoring Jesus' teaching and living as though there is opposition? In this week's video, Tim Muehlhoff talks about the real presence of spiritual warfare in our relationships and how to dress ourselves in spiritual armor.
God's Common Grace
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - December 9, 2020
Depression and anxiety are real issues. God has given us tools and the grace to overcome these things. Chris and Tim invite Debra Fileta, author of True Love Dates, to discuss the spiritual and physiological aspects of mental illness, the stigmas surrounding antidepressants and other medications, and God's common grace that represents His faithfulness to us.
Questions Everyone Should Ask While Dating
Tim Muehlhoff - December 2, 2020
In today's video, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff discusses vital questions to ask while dating that will help you make this important decision.
Wired to Love
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - November 11, 2020
How do we show love and kindness to others in a time when our culture is so polarized? Chris and Tim invite Bob Lepine, author of Love Like You Mean It: The Heart of a Marriage that Honors God, to discuss the power behind 1 Corinthians 13, proactively serving others, and letting the Holy Spirit work through active pursuit of love.
Marriage in Counterculture
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - October 28, 2020
American culture has turned God's plan for marriage upside down. From Hollywood film to social media, a committed relationship has been redefined from God's original plan. Chris and Tim invite guest speaker Bob Lepine from FamilyLife Today to talk about what marriage looks like in counterculture and how to share that message with the rest of the world.
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