Dealing with Hot Button Issues
The Art of Relationships Podcast - June 22, 2016
When someone says or does something that drives you crazy, you may be dealing with a hot button issue. In this episode, we discuss insights to help you identify the deeper emotions that get triggered from hot button issues, understand why the issue is so important to you and learn how to resolve the conflict well.
When Bad Things Happen to Good Marriages (Pt. 3)
Tim Muehlhoff - June 21, 2016
When God sees that my spouse is about to be hurt, couldn’t he simply step in and protect him? Tim Muehlhoff addresses this question in the last post of this series on pain, suffering and evil.
A Meditation for the Father
Rick Langer - June 14, 2016
As a father, it is inevitable that you will be followed. Read this blog for Rick Langer's insights on how to walk as the followed.
5 Ways to Connect During Your Next Vacation
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - June 7, 2016
Willa Williams gives some suggestions to help you in being intentional about connecting in ways that will build your relationship.
When Bad Things Happen to Good Marriages (Pt. 2)
Tim Muehlhoff - May 31, 2016
In Part 2 of this series on evil, pain and suffering, Tim addresses the difficult question: why would God even allow the possibility of evil and suffering?
When Bad Things Happen to Good Marriages (Pt. 1)
Tim Muehlhoff - May 17, 2016
To be human is to wrestle with the reality of evil. Dr. Tim Muehlhoff opens a series about what to do when evil, pain, and suffering occur in marriage.
17 Ways To Make Your Kid's Day
Alisa Grace - May 10, 2016
Read this blog for some simple but effective ways to express love to your kid and make him or her feel special on an ordinary day.
This Was The Year The Adults Gave Up
Kenneth Berding - January 12, 2016
Columnist Joel Stein in the December 21 issue of TIME labeled 2015 as “The Year the Adults Gave Up” in a provocative article. Is he correct in his assertion that parents en masse are giving up?
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