How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage (and it's not what you think)
Alisa Grace - March 19, 2025
Many parents find that after having children, their marriage slowly takes a backseat. The once-strong connection between husband and wife is replaced by endless to-do lists, school activities, and bedtime routines. Before they know it, their relationship feels more like a business partnership than a loving marriage.
But what if the very thing you thought was making you a great parent is actually putting your marriage at risk? Could your children—without even meaning to—be coming between you and your spouse?
If you’ve ever felt like you and your spouse have lost your connection, you’re not alone. The good news? There’s a way to bring back the “us” in your marriage—without neglecting your kids. Continue reading to discover how to protect your relationship and avoid one of the biggest threats to modern marriages.
Ask the Expert: Leaving, Cleaving, and Letting Go?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - February 19, 2025
In this blog, Willa Williams answers a thought-provoking question: Does leaving and cleaving include letting go of expectations we’ve picked up from our family of origin?
Our families shape so much of who we are—our values, beliefs, and even the way we expect relationships to function. But when we get married, those ingrained expectations don’t always align with our spouse’s background. So, what does leaving and cleaving really mean in this context?
Willa unpacks how our family upbringing influences us and why many marital conflicts stem from stylistic differences rather than right or wrong choices. She shares insights on how couples can navigate these differences in a way that strengthens their relationship rather than causing division.
Sexpectations in Marriage with Guests Shaunti Feldhahn & Brian Goins
Shaunti Feldhahn, Brian Goins, Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - January 15, 2025
In this episode, Chris and Alisa Grace explore the complex and often misunderstood topic of expectations in marital intimacy. They welcome special guests Shaunti Feldhahn, an award-winning author and social researcher, and Brian Goins, Senior Director of Strategic Projects at FamilyLife. Together, they delve into the dynamics of initiating and receptive desire, the impact of communication, and practical ways couples can foster understanding and intimacy.
25 Easy Tips to Stop Your Marriage From Growing Apart
Alisa Grace - December 26, 2024
In this blog, Alisa Grace explains that couples don’t just “grow apart”—they stop nurturing their relationship. She shares how intentional daily efforts can rekindle intimacy and connection, offering 25 practical tips like expressing gratitude, showing affection, and spending time together. The core principle is to start each day asking, “What can I do today to make my spouse happy to be alive and married to me?” Alisa encourages practicing a few of these tips consistently to reignite love and strengthen the bond.
Rituals That Matter: How Small Actions Foster Big Relationship Wins
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - October 23, 2024
In this episode, Chris and Alisa Grace explore rituals for connection—consistent, intentional actions that can help strengthen relationships over time. They discuss how recognizing and responding to bids for attention can prevent couples from drifting apart and highlight simple rituals such as saying goodbye, greeting each other, and spending intentional time together. The Grace's provide practical insights and tips to help you reconnect with your loved ones, making your relationships more fulfilling and connected. Whether you're dealing with significant others, friends, children, or roommates, this episode offers valuable advice to improve your relationships.
Small Moments, Big Impact: How to Keep Your Relationship Thriving
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - October 16, 2024
In this episode, Chris and Alisa Grace explore bids for attention—small interactions that can significantly impact the strength of a relationship. They discuss how recognizing and responding to these bids can prevent couples from drifting apart, drawing on research from Drs. John and Julie Gottman. The Grace's provide practical insights and tips to help you stay connected with your partner, emphasizing the power of intentional time together. Whether you're navigating life with a significant other, friends, or even colleagues, this episode offers valuable advice to improve your relationships.
Take T.I.M.E. For Love
Pam Farrel - April 18, 2024
How much time does it take to stay in love for a lifetime? In this week's blog, Pam Farrel shares the secrets to lasting love, where she unveils the essential time investment needed to keep your marriage lively, offering practical tips and heartfelt anecdotes to reignite the flames of passion and connection.
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly: What To Do With Personality Tools
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - March 25, 2024
In this week's episode, CMR Co-Directors Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace discuss how personality impacts our relationships, and offer practical ways we can use personality tools to better understand ourselves and others.
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