How To Do Everything In Your Power To Support Their Marriage
Dorothy Littell Greco - October 22, 2019
No marriage is immune from struggle. Because we are part of the body of Christ, we have a corporate responsibility to support each other, particularly when things get difficult.
Avoid Conflict and Ruin A Relationship
Chris Grace - October 15, 2019
Dear CMR,
I hate conflict, and any confrontations make me physically stressed out. I usually try to avoid it. However, I know I need to have a talk with someone I love because our conflict is just sitting there and simmering, but I don’t know how to start.
Signed, Conflicted and Stressed
Dating, Jealousy, & Expectations: 5 Ways To Grow Your Relationship
Hannah Ellenwood - September 10, 2019
"Picture this scenario: You’ve been getting to know a guy and you find yourself spending more time together… As you do, you notice something: There is a girl in his close circle of friends with who he seems to be really close. You trust him, but you wonder what to do because it seems like this could become an issue."
Tackle Debt vs. Saving? What Do We Do?
Rick Bee - August 20, 2019
Dear CMR,
As a young person, newly married what is more important? Saving, or paying off debt?
Trying To Be Financially Wise
The Never-Ending Argument: How To Settle It
Paul Friesen - August 13, 2019
It is said there are issues that couples will never agree on, ones they will always fight about. Yes, it is true there are issues couples will never agree on. No, they do not always need to fight about them. Yes, couples can manage this tension.
Are You Listening? Your Emotions Are Talking
Chris Grace, Kimberly Miller, Tim Muehlhoff - June 26, 2019
Anger, shame, sadness, envy, criticism. When you feel these emotions build up inside you, what is your gut instinct? What if those emotions are trying to tell you something about what is important to you? What if they are coming from a place that needs your attention? On this episode of the podcast, we talk with Kim Miller, MTh, LMFT, and author of Boundaries For Your Soul. She explains that our emotions can tell us a lot about ourselves...if we will just listen!
Just Going In Circles: Changing Conflict Patterns
Keith Edwards - May 7, 2019
Partners in most marriages start with high levels of positive feelings toward one another. How can things change after years of being together?
Graduating and Moving Home: Living with Parents Post-Graduation
Jessica Brest - April 23, 2019
What once was a normal environment at home can become a foreign one filled with questions and uncertainty. Jessica Brest shares how to navigate life at home after graduation.
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