The Never-Ending Argument: How To Settle It
Paul Friesen - August 13, 2019
It is said there are issues that couples will never agree on, ones they will always fight about. Yes, it is true there are issues couples will never agree on. No, they do not always need to fight about them. Yes, couples can manage this tension.
I'm New To Online Dating. Help!
Debra Fileta - July 9, 2019
Dear CMR,
I recently started considering online dating but it feels intimidating. Can you give me any advice that will make it easier to find a person worth getting to know?
Signed, New To This
What Singles Want Marrieds To Know
Lauren Miller - July 2, 2019
More than sitting across a coffee table and updating you on our life moment to moment, we want to share life with you. We want to be involved in the mundane parts, to learn from your experience, and feel a sense of belonging. These are just a few of the things that we want married couples around us to know.
Should You Date Just To Date?
Tim Muehlhoff - June 5, 2019
Should a person ever date just to learn how to date? Dr. Tim Muehlhoff examines the idea of casual dating and why simply learning how to do it well can benefit you.
Create Christmas Traditions To Remember
Jessica Brest - December 25, 2018
No matter where you are this season or who you have around you, these are some traditions that you can implement into your holidays to keep this time of year festive!
How Will People Know You Love Someone?
Chris Grace - December 12, 2018
As Christians, we are supposed to love people, not just in word but also in deed. Does that sound familiar? It's pulled right out of Scripture. We are supposed to show others that we love them by our actions, by doing something for their benefit or their good, even in times of disagreement or difference of perspective. How often does that happen?
They're An Adult! Time To Act Like One!
Veola Vazquez - November 14, 2018
How should parents encourage a child to step into responsibility and adulthood? Take a look at this video for some advice from Dr. Veola Vazquez.
What It's All About: Relationship Advice with In-N-Out CEO
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff, Lynsi Snyder-Ellingson - November 7, 2018
In-N-Out is a recognized name in the U.S. and is associated with delicious hamburgers and iconic palm trees. In this podcast episode, In-N-Out owner and operator Lynsi Snyder shares some of the wisdom she has learned over the years about prioritizing family over work and finding support in the difficult times in your marriage. With a company valued at $1.3 billion, she has had to learn these lessons in a very unique environment yet shares them with a clarity that anyone in relationships can connect with.
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