How Do I Survive Another Semester at Home With My Parents?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - August 5, 2020
Dear CMR,
My school just announced that we will be going online in the fall and I am really upset. It’s been hard to adjust to life at home with my parents and I feel like we are each reverting back to how our dynamic was in high school. How do I survive this semester at home?
Home Alone
Cooperative Co-Parenting When Mom and Dad Don't Live Together
Ron Deal - June 23, 2020
In this week's Ask the Expert, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Ron Deal provides 10 guidelines for cooperative co-parenting.
Mother's Day - Reinvented
Lynnaea Martin - May 8, 2020
What are your plans for Mother's Day? This question, usually simple to answer, may evoke feelings of sadness, grief, and loss for some, particularly this year. How are we supposed to make this day special when celebrations everywhere have been put on pause? Although circumstances demand us to reinvent how we spend our time together (or apart) this Mother's day, we can bask in the lavish gifts that God bestows on his children in every circumstance.
What to do When You Parent Differently
Amber Lia - April 21, 2020
Have you and your spouse ever been on different pages when it comes to your preferred parenting techniques? One of the biggest marriage triggers occurs when a husband and wife parent differently. Best-selling author and teacher Amber Lia outlines two practical changes to unify your parenting approach.
5 Reasons To Fight In Front Of Your Kids
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - February 25, 2020
Read Willa's blog to discover why having healthy conflict, a fair fight, in front of your kids can actually be a good thing!
3 Reasons Why You Really Need A Dad
Aundrea Paxton - October 8, 2019
In this candid blog based on her relationship with her own dad, Dr. Aundrea Paxton, Psy. D, breaks down three reasons why everyone needs a dad in their life, whether it is their biological father or another father figure.
"It Takes A Village:" Friendship in Parenting
Emily Pardy - September 24, 2019
We’ve all heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child" and it rings just as true today. As soon as you hold that new baby in your arms, you can sense the internal doubt of being able to do it alone.
How Should I Develop My Child's Sense of Self?
Veola Vazquez - September 11, 2019
Our world is growing more and more diverse, some of which include race, ethnicity, and culture. As parents or soon-to-be parents, it will be increasingly important to develop your child's ability to relate to people who are different than they are. How do you do that? The first step is helping your child understand their own identity!
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