Is Hollywood Ruining Your Love Life?
Tim Muehlhoff - March 10, 2020
In a culture that idolizes rom-com relationships, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explains the importance of not comparing real-life relationships to them.
Is It Okay to Hide Money From My Spouse?
Alisa Grace - March 3, 2020
Dear CMR,
My husband and I have separate bank accounts. He knows how much money I make, but I recently earned a raise. I am conflicted about whether or not to mention it to him. I am afraid if I tell him he will think of it as, "Ok, now we can buy something." I think we should save for a rainy day!
Signed, Conflicted
5 Reasons To Fight In Front Of Your Kids
Willa Williams - February 25, 2020
Read Willa's blog to discover why having healthy conflict, a fair fight, in front of your kids can actually be a good thing!
Why Do We Place People in the “Friend Zone"?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - February 18, 2020
Dear CMR,
Why do people automatically assign people to zones like the “friend zone”? Why do we sometimes change the zones we put them in?
Signed, A Podcast Fan
Is Your Marriage Affected By Affluenza?
Tim Muehlhoff - February 11, 2020
Woody Allen once said, “We spend money we don’t have, to buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t like.” This very phrase might be one that describes "affluenza." In this video, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff defines affluenza and assesses the danger of it in relationships.
Can You Be Friends with Your Ex?
Chris Grace - February 4, 2020
Dear CMR,
Do you think it is possible for two people to stay friends after a romantic relationship has ended between them? If so, what does a healthy friendship look like?
Signed, B.
Top 10 Relationship Killers
Debra Fileta - January 28, 2020
A relationship does not blossom overnight-- but neither does distance between you and your spouse. Debra Fileta outlines 10 areas to consider when protecting your marriage.
Should A Man Treat A Girlfriend Like A Wife?
Chris Grace - January 21, 2020
Dear CMR,
Suppose two people are dating in which there is a mutual commitment before God for marriage in the future. Is it wrong for a man to treat her with the same love and care that he would his wife while only dating?
Timing is Everything
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