Can You Be Friends with Your Ex?
Chris Grace - February 4, 2020
Dear CMR,
Do you think it is possible for two people to stay friends after a romantic relationship has ended between them? If so, what does a healthy friendship look like?
Signed, B.
Top 10 Relationship Killers
Debra Fileta - January 28, 2020
A relationship does not blossom overnight-- but neither does distance between you and your spouse. Debra Fileta outlines 10 areas to consider when protecting your marriage.
Should A Man Treat A Girlfriend Like A Wife?
Chris Grace - January 21, 2020
Dear CMR,
Suppose two people are dating in which there is a mutual commitment before God for marriage in the future. Is it wrong for a man to treat her with the same love and care that he would his wife while only dating?
Timing is Everything
Love Over a Lifetime: Nurturing Our Marriage in Every Season
Andrea Gurney - January 14, 2020
Research shows that over time, couples become less affectionate toward each other. When the honeymoon phase fades, how do you maintain intimacy with your spouse? In this article, Dr. Andrea Gurney shares four ways couples can sustain a healthy connection and a lifetime of love!
How Can I Avoid Emotional Affairs In My Marriage?
Aundrea Paxton - January 7, 2020
Dear CMR,
How can I avoid emotional affairs in my marriage? I've been told that is something to watch for as a young married.
Emotionally Unaware
Is This Person The One? How Do I Know?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - January 1, 2020
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff and Dr. Chris Grace share some of their thoughts on how to evaluate a relationship when considering the future.
"I Want to Start Dating But Not Act Desperate. Help!"
Debra Fileta - December 24, 2019
Dear CMR,
I am single and want to start getting to know more people, if you know what I mean. How can I let people know I'm available without coming across as desperate for a date?
Single and Ready to Mingle
"The CMR has equipped us."
anonymous - December 12, 2019
Kerry and Kim, a married couple of 40 years, reflect on the influence the CMR has had in their mentorship to younger couples.
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