Benefits of Communication and Conflict Resolution
Willa Williams - July 4, 2017
Family therapist Willa Williams dives into the physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits of good communication and conflict management, helping you develop the skills necessary for a happy, healthy marriage.
What About A One-Sided Relationship?
Chris Grace - June 27, 2017
Dear CMR,
I feel like I have heard it all — "relationships are a two-way street," "both people need to be in it to win it," and "it's not healthy to be in a one-sided relationship." What do you suggest in a relationship where only one person wants to change and grow to work out the relationship while the other is complacent? How do you cope with it or try to make it thrive?
Thanks, One-Sided Relationship
7 Reasons We Fail to Communicate and Resolve Conflict Well
Willa Williams - June 20, 2017
In this first in a series of three blogs, Willa Williams (MA, LMFT) describes seven reasons why we fail to communicate and resolve conflict well.
3 Reasons You Need a Dad
Aundrea Paxton - June 13, 2017
In this candid blog based on her relationship with her own dad, Dr. Aundrea Paxton, Psy. D, breaks down three reasons why everyone needs a dad in their life, whether it is their biological father or another father figure.
The Forgotten Discipline of Solitude, Pt. 3
Tim Muehlhoff - May 30, 2017
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff offers practical ways to engage with God in solitude and counter our negative thoughts about others with prayer.
The Forgotten Discipline of Solitude, Pt. 2
Tim Muehlhoff - May 23, 2017
In today's blog, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explores practical ways to exercise the discipline of solitude, which can strengthen our relationships.
Are You the Mother-in-Law You Always Hoped You'd Be?
Alisa Grace - May 9, 2017
In today's post, Alisa Grace provides practical suggestions on how to become the best mother-in-law you always hoped you'd be.
How Can a Girl Be Confident While Dating? Qualities of A Confident Christian Woman
Alisa Grace - May 2, 2017
Dear CMR:
How can a girl be confident in a relationship while dating? There is no assurance it will lead to a future, yet guys want girls to be confident. Is there a way to help build your own confidence?
Signed, Unsure
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