Help! I Feel Abandoned In My Own Marriage!
Chris Grace - September 4, 2018
Dear CMR,
My husband and I have been married for 30+ years. He suffers from depression and takes medication. Here is my question: We have not been intimate in 5 years, and while he pursues going to the doctor for his physical and mental health, he does not pursue finding out why he has no desire for sex or intimacy. What can I do? I feel abandoned.
Signed, Feeling Abandoned
Launching Adults, Not Babysitting Children
Arlene Pellicane - August 28, 2018
In this article, author Arlene Pellicane encourages parents to think about how to launch adults as opposed to babysitting children.
How Good Are You At Emotional Tennis?
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - August 22, 2018
Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace talk about how important small bids for attention and affection can be to a relationship!
Are They Going To Follow Through This Time?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - August 14, 2018
Have you come across a situation in which a person has a habit of making promises to you but never following through? How do you interact with this person, to ensure the promises do not continue to be unfulfilled?
How To Win An Argument - It's Not What You Think!
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - July 25, 2018
In this video, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explore some of the easy triggers for arguments in relationships and how to recognize them before spiraling down into an argument.
Are They Affected By The Divorce, Really?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - July 18, 2018
When a divorce takes place, does it really affect the people around you? Are the children in the family really affected? In this podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff continue their discussion on divorce and some of the ways that a divorce affects more than just the couple involved. If Christians believe that marriage is a covenant, this life-long commitment, how should those marriages look different?
What Is Forgiveness? What Is It Not?
Chris Grace - July 11, 2018
According to recent research, 94% of Americans believe that it is important to forgive other people. This video covers what forgiveness means and what it does not mean.
The 7 Conflicts Every Married Couple Has
Biola CMR - June 13, 2018
Do you find yourself disagreeing with your spouse on a regular basis? Maybe it’s about money or division of household chores or how to raise your children. It seems like there are a thousand things to argue about. However, according to Dr. Tim Downs, every one of our conflicts can be boiled down to one of seven basic topics, including loyalty, security, and responsibility.
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