The Infertility Journey (Part 2)
The Art of Relationships Podcast - February 17, 2021
Founders of Uniquely Knitted Doug and Jesse Brown continue their conversation from last week with Chris and Tim about the difficulties of infertility and how to face these struggles as a couple.
The Infertility Journey
The Art of Relationships Podcast - February 10, 2021
In this week's episode, Chris and Tim are joined by Doug and Jesse Brown, founders of Uniquely Knitted, a non-profit that supports the infertility community. Through transparency and honesty, they unpack some of the pains, struggles, questions, and life-altering realities that anyone struggling with infertility can face.
How to Do Secret Valentines: A Fun ‘Family Builder’ Idea
Susan Yates - February 2, 2021
Many of us have not been able to be with our family members during this pandemic season. Adult children haven’t seen each other, cousins often can’t be together. Saddened by being apart, we wonder, “What can we do to build the closeness that we long for?” Here’s one easy idea!
Out with the Old and In with the New: A Hope-Filled Reflection for the New Year
Chris Grace - January 5, 2021
The Bible says God has already begun the work of making things new, but why do we so often miss it? As we enter a new year with our hopes and dreams, Dr. Chris Grace reminds us of God’s promises and the hope we have in Him.
Why Are Holidays So Tense?
Darcie Hultberg - December 15, 2020
Dear CMR,
With Christmas around the corner, as a student, I’m a little overwhelmed – ok, really overwhelmed. I want to make things meaningful and enjoyable with my friends and family, but in the past things have been tense. Do you have any practical tips or things I can do proactively to make this Christmas season joyful and keep my sanity?
Signed, Overwhelmed and Worried
How to Engage in Meaningful Conversations in a Superficial World
Susan Yates - December 8, 2020
As we approach the holidays, family communication will become more and more prevalent. Often times, it can be difficult to have meaningful conversations. Susan Yates shares six steps to have significant conversations with family and how to raise great conversationalists.
Five Essential Steps to Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
Alisa Grace - September 23, 2020
As parents, raising kids isn’t easy. On one hand it can be thrilling and on the other hand, they can make you want to pull your hair out. In this week’s video, Alisa Grace shares five essential steps to raising emotionally healthy children from psychologist Dr. John Gottman’s book Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child.
The Power of Story: Turning Generational Trauma into Generational Healing
Jennifer Jones - September 8, 2020
In this week's blog, Jennifer Jones reminds us of the power our stories have to facilitate empathy, understanding, and healing when talking about difficult topics.
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