Is It Okay To Propose On The First Date?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - March 6, 2019
"So we had our first date shortly after that camp. I proposed to him during that first date. So there you go...I do remember he dropped his fork back into his plate at that particular moment. So we didn't really talk about it again." Please allow us to introduce you to Mandy Catto. She will be a more regular voice here on the Art of Relationships podcast, as you will hear. In this podcast, we talk about how she met and married her husband, her journey from Scotland to Southern California, her thoughts on American dating culture, and the American church compared to the Scottish church.
Me & You & A New Baby, Too
Alisa Grace - February 26, 2019
When kids first enter the picture, the focus is often on the mother's role in parenting which can leave the husband feeling isolated and useless. But, according to research a father actually has a big role to play!
Inspire Him To Lead
Alisa Grace, Veola Vazquez - January 30, 2019
Does leadership always come naturally to men? What about spiritual leadership? In a family that lacks it, spiritual leadership can be a tricky dynamic to develop. How can a wife inspire her husband to spiritually lead the family? This discussion might just help with that.
A Word To Occasionally Absent Fathers
Tim Muehlhoff - January 15, 2019
"Describe your father in one word." One by one, the all-male audience shouted out words like "disconnected; moody; short-tempered; encouraging; quiet; distant; friend; irritable; depressed; non-engaging."
Thanksgiving Through The Eyes of Newlyweds
Ben and Nicole Longinow - November 20, 2018
We pray that what we have learned in our first year of marriage may be encouraging to you whether you’ve been married for fifty years or you’re not in a relationship at all.
Reconciling on Halloween: What Should We Do?
Tim Muehlhoff - October 30, 2018
Dear CMR,
This is a two-part question: My friend and I got into an interesting discussion the other day about Halloween and whether Christians should engage or not. Things got heated and we ended angry with each other and frustrated at the conversation. First, can you give some advice on how we might reconcile after the blowup? Second, can you share thoughts about Halloween and how Christians should or should not engage?
Signed, Slightly Spooked.
3 Easy Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong
Alisa Grace - September 19, 2018
In this video, Alisa Grace shares 3 easy steps that you can take today to keep your relationship strong.
Listener Questions Answered pt.5
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - September 12, 2018
Casual dating. Gratitude. Doubts about your dating relationship. These are some of the many topics that listeners are submitting to us. On this episode of the podcast, we explore some of these topics and answer questions that come up often when considering healthy relationships. Take a listen!
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