Why Do We Need Gratitude?
Matthew Williams - November 22, 2022
"Gratitude turns what we have, into enough." This Thanksgiving season, we want to encourage you to practice gratitude beyond the Thanksgiving table. In today's video New Testament department chair and director of the BA-MA programs at Talbot School of Theology, Dr. Matt Williams, shares the importance of gratitude as a spiritual discipline.
A Different Kind of New Year's Resolution
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - December 28, 2021
In this blog post, Willa Williams encourages you to consider making a New Year's resolution to be kinder to people around you, while explaining the difference between kindness and niceness.
'Tis the Cuffing Season
The Art of Relationships Podcast - December 22, 2021
Are you settling for someone just to avoid loneliness? It's cuffing season, and sometimes that means feeling desperate for any human connection. In today's podcast, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace discuss loneliness, finding friendship, and developing deeper emotional connections.
The Greatest Christmas Gift of all...And it's Not What You Think
Alisa Grace - December 21, 2021
Is there a certain thing your spouse does that drives you crazy? No matter how "perfect" a relationship appears, the answer is most likely yes. In today's blog, Alisa Grace shares a personal story about how God changed her perspective using an old blue chair.
Make the Most of Your Last Holiday as a Student
Kayla Santos - December 14, 2021
There is something special about getting together with your friends to hang Christmas decorations in your dorm or apartment. For most graduating seniors, this is the last time they'll be able to enjoy the holiday season in true student fashion. How can they make the most of it?
What Does an Attitude of Gratitude Look Like?
Alisa Grace - November 23, 2021
The holidays look different for everyone, and being around family may actually be difficult for some. In today's blog, Alisa Grace guides readers through a self-reflection exercise to prepare for this holiday season.
Biola CMR - November 23, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! We hope you get some sweet time with family and friends (safely) this week despite all the COVID restrictions. We also have some exciting news to share with you. And to do that, we invite you to pause and imagine…
Trick or Treat? Do We Participate or Not?
Tim Muehlhoff - October 29, 2019
Dear CMR,
This is a two-part question: My friend and I got into an interesting discussion the other day about Halloween and whether Christians should engage or not. Things got heated and we ended angry with each other and frustrated at the conversation. First, can you give some advice on how we might reconcile after the blowup? Second, can you share thoughts about Halloween and how Christians should or should not engage?
Signed, Slightly Spooked.
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