How Can I Stay Invested In The Relationship?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - December 25, 2019
What counts as a date-night? How do I balance my relationship with the rest of life's demands? In this episode of the podcast, we continue the conversation with Dr. Bradford Wilcox, Director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. He points to some research and advice on the benefit of making small investments in your marriage. As a father of nine children, he has learned quite a few lessons on this topic personally.
How Do I Recognize Spiritual Attack In My Marriage?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - December 11, 2019
In the majority of Western culture, the idea of spiritual warfare is not talked about often. In the context of marriage, most couples tend to under-emphasize spiritual warfare in their relationship rather than over-emphasizing it. Why is that? When you take a step back and look at our world, it is easy to see that something is wrong. It can feel that there is a war going on and we are caught in the cross-fire. In your relationship, how can you tell if there is a spiritual attack going on? Are there signs that are universal?
7 Qualities of A Happy Marriage
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - December 4, 2019
According to leading marriage researcher John Gottman, there are seven qualities of a happy marriage. In this video, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace explain these seven traits and their roles within relationships.
How To Do Everything In Your Power To Support Their Marriage
Dorothy Littell Greco - October 22, 2019
No marriage is immune from struggle. Because we are part of the body of Christ, we have a corporate responsibility to support each other, particularly when things get difficult.
Your Marriage Is On Display!
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - October 2, 2019
When you haven't had a model for what a healthy relationship looks like, where do you turn? We talk with Mike and Stephanie Anderson as they describe their story. Growing up in a home without a solid model of marriage, Mike had doubts about marriage being worth investing in. Where he learned to appreciate marriage may surprise you!
Am I Ready To Get Married? How Do I Know?
Alisa Grace - October 1, 2019
Dear CMR,
How do you know when you’re ready to get married?
Signed, Almost There
He Has An Overly Friendly Co-Worker
Chris Grace - September 17, 2019
Dear CMR,
My spouse has a co-worker that is overly friendly and it is creating fears, doubts and insecurities in me. I feel my spouse is not seeing the possible danger, and is even off-putting to my concerns. I fear there are unhealthy boundaries and just worry about a “slip-up,” or that they are missing the beginning of an emotional affair. Any help would be great.
Concerned and Curious
We're Terrible At Budgeting! Can You Help?
Rick Bee - September 3, 2019
Dear CMR,
As a married couple, we put together a budget to help us save money, but have a hard time sticking to it. How can we be more disciplined?
Signed, Sucker For Sales
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