How Should We View Sexuality Today?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - April 11, 2018
Sex is talked about in a lot of different ways in our culture today and Christian culture is no exception. A biblical perspective of sex is unique and does not often get much attention. How should married couples think about sex? What are some of the things to be aware of in sex? In this podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff begin to unpack how important it can be to talk about sex in the context of marriage.
Is Getting Married Getting in the Way?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - April 4, 2018
Sometimes, the desire to be in a relationship, whether a dating relationship or a marriage relationship, can be overwhelming. What happens when that desire starts to get in the way of other things you want to do?
Can You Handle Difficult Discussions?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - March 28, 2018
When someone does something that consistently bothers you, can you talk about the issue with them? Does the conversation tend to spiral down into a harsh back-and-forth? In this podcast, psychologist Dr. Chris Grace and communication expert Dr. Tim Muehlhoff talk about key ways you can slow down these tense conversations and communicate how you feel without the conversation disintegrating.
Life For Your Marriage After An Affair pt.II
Paul Friesen - March 13, 2018
Dr. Paul Friesen continues to share steps to rebuild that foundation for your marriage after experiencing an affair. Take a look at these steps to see how you can work towards restoration and forgiveness in your relationship.
Two Key Practices in Every Healthy Relationship
Willa Williams - March 7, 2018
Marriage and Family Therapist Willa Williams shares two key practices she considers vital to work on in healthy relationships.
Help! It Seems Like We're Speaking Different Languages!
Kimberly Miller - March 6, 2018
Dear CMR,
How do we manage mutual fulfillment in our marriage when key terms such as love, care, support, and communication are defined very differently between spouses? It often seems like we’re exchanging with different currencies with differing rates.
Signed, Speaking Different Languages
Deepen The Spiritual Intimacy in Your Marriage pt. I
Alisa Grace - January 30, 2018
Alisa Grace shares her experience and advice in developing spiritual intimacy.
Is Premarital Counseling Really That Important?
Willa Williams - January 16, 2018
Willa Williams (LMFT) explains why premarital counseling can benefit every couple before they obtain their marriage license.
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