Relationships in The Red Zone
The Art of Relationships Podcast - May 5, 2021
It's hard to get out of the "red zone", or even recognize when your relationship is in it. In today's episode, OC United Director of the Domestic Abuse Initiative, Donna Mroz, talks Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff through the telltale signs of abuse and support for those seeking help.
Calling a Marital Truce
Tim Muehlhoff - April 28, 2021
Is your spouse constantly on your nerves? It can be hard to see the positives in our spouse, especially when we go through seasons of trial in our marriage, but changing this mindset can be difficult. In today's video, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff talks through practical ways to change
negative thinking in our relationships and recognize when it's time to "call a truce". -
Listener Q&A: Are Your Goals Interfering With Your Marriage?
The Art of Relationships Podcast - April 21, 2021
How do you create a future together in a marriage when your goals may be different? What are healthy ways to deal with conflict? In this week’s episode, Chris and Tim answer your questions, and share valuable tips on strong communication climates, working in synchrony, and building Christ-centered relationships.
Can Satan Plant Thoughts?
Tim Muehlhoff - April 14, 2021
25% of everything Jesus taught us had to do with spiritual battle, spiritual opposition, and Satan. But are we ignoring Jesus' teaching and living as though there is opposition? In this week's video, Tim Muehlhoff talks about the real presence of spiritual warfare in our relationships and how to dress ourselves in spiritual armor.
Thinking About Getting Engaged?
Chris Grace - April 13, 2021
Dear CMR:
What are some specific questions that my girlfriend and I should talk about to see if we should get married?
Ready to Get Hitched?
Marriage Ministry 101
Davette Bishop - April 6, 2021
Are you doing enough for your spouse in ministry? It's hard to always know how to support your husband or wife, especially when life is stressful and overwhelming. Davette Bishop knows these struggles, and in today's blog, she shares how to support your spouse in ministry with seven helpful tips.
Is There Forgiveness After Sex Before Marriage?
Veola Vazquez - March 30, 2021
Dear CMR,
Will God forgive me if I have had sex before marriage?
Signed, Sorry and Afraid
How to Rewrite Your Internal Script
The Art of Relationships Podcast - March 24, 2021
In this week's episode, Chris and Tim discuss how the subconscious "subtitles" in a conversation can reinforce a negative view of your partner and your marriage. Drawing on wisdom from John Gottman's book, they provide tools to help prevent your internal script from taking on a decidedly negative tone.
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