"It Takes A Village:" Friendship in Parenting
Emily Pardy - September 24, 2019
We’ve all heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child" and it rings just as true today. As soon as you hold that new baby in your arms, you can sense the internal doubt of being able to do it alone.
How Should I Develop My Child's Sense of Self?
Veola Vazquez - September 11, 2019
Our world is growing more and more diverse, some of which include race, ethnicity, and culture. As parents or soon-to-be parents, it will be increasingly important to develop your child's ability to relate to people who are different than they are. How do you do that? The first step is helping your child understand their own identity!
5 Ways My Parents Shaped My Spiritual Life
Lauren Miller - July 30, 2019
“My parents did more than teach me how to walk as a believer and honor Christ in all things; they showed me.”
Growing Up Biracial: How I Learned To Embrace Diversity
Jennifer Jones - July 16, 2019
“Our mother married our father during a time when interracial marriage was unacceptable, in 1969, two years after interracial marriage was legalized, and most of her family disowned her.”
Dictator, Boss, Coach, Consultant: Which Parent Are You?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - June 4, 2019
Many questions can circulate as parents try to find ways to train and shape their children. These four roles of Dictator, Boss, Coach and Consultant offer a framework to use.
How Does A Working Mom Do It?
Jennifer Jones - May 28, 2019
"Dear CMR,
As a working mom and wife, I find it hard to balance time with my kids, my husband, and all of the things on my plate. How should I prioritize my time?"
Marriage Just Isn't The Same Anymore
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - May 1, 2019
"Marriage has fallen on hard times in our culture. It doesn't get held up as something admirable and something that gets handed down to the next generation. So I feel like people are more and more on their own trying to figure it out for themselves."
In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff talk with Dr. Ed Uszynski, contributing author to Athletes in Action and speaker for FamilyLife. Marriage is changing and more people start marriage without the tools to succeed. How is that showing up in those relationships? Listen to hear this discussion!
Graduating and Moving Home: Living with Parents Post-Graduation
Jessica Brest - April 23, 2019
What once was a normal environment at home can become a foreign one filled with questions and uncertainty. Jessica Brest shares how to navigate life at home after graduation.
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