The Naked Truth About Pornography
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - May 9, 2018
Take a look at some startling facts: of all the data transferred across the Internet, 35% is pornographic. Porn sites get more visitors each month than Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter combined. The porn industry has an annual expected global revenue of over $100 billion. With these statistics, what do we do? What should we be aware of in raising children? In today's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff discuss pornography and it's effect on our culture.
How I Talked To My Boyfriend About Pornography pt. II
anonymous - December 5, 2017
How do you approach the topic of pornography with truth and love? Today, we share how to have this discussion with a gentle heart and a kind spirit.
How I Talked To My Boyfriend About Pornography pt. I
anonymous - November 21, 2017
A student shares how her “Christian Perspectives on Relationships” course sparked a discussion with her boyfriend about pornography.
Pornography Has Stolen My Sex Life
Heather Schroeder - September 19, 2017
Dear CMR,
How do I reconcile the fact that pornography has stolen my sex life? My husband has seen so many things that I don't excite him anymore.
Signed, Lonely Wife
Am I Addicted?
Chris Grace - August 3, 2015
Dr. Chris Grace addresses how pornography affects relations and how you can determine if you are addicted to it.
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