Breaking the Chains of Pornography with Guest Nick Stumbo
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace, Nick Stumbo - January 1, 2025
In this episode, Chris and Alisa Grace explore the challenges and impacts of pornography in relationships and personal lives with special guest Nick Stumbo, Executive Director of Pure Desire. They discuss the pervasive issue of pornography in Christian communities, its mental, relational, and spiritual implications, and the path to freedom through grace-filled healing. Offering insights into breaking cycles of shame and addiction, this episode provides practical tips to help listeners pursue healthy, Christ-centered relationships.
Whether you’re a college student, a married couple, or a leader in the church, this episode offers valuable advice to navigate this challenging topic and find hope, healing, and restoration.
Porn and Relationships: When Are Sexual Struggles A Deal Breaker?
Debra Fileta - March 21, 2023
Porn is more accessible than ever and is causing immense harm to couple's relationships. It is increasingly difficult for those in relationships to know when their partner's porn use is a deal breaker. Debra addresses this topic, and points her readers to some key things to look for.
Pornography in a Dating Relationship
The Art of Relationships Podcast - August 16, 2022
How should I respond if I find out my partner is viewing pornography? In today's podcast, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace share ideas on how to bring up the conversation of porn in a dating relationship and if they struggle, how to move forward with that information in your relationship.
Love Is Not Enough
The Art of Relationships Podcast - March 16, 2022
In today's podcast, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace dig deep into questions of faithfulness in regards to the topics of commitment issues, pornography, and drifting apart in relationships. They remind us that love is not enough for a relationship and suggest tips on when to pursue a relationship or when to back away from one.
Should You Date A Man Who Struggles With Porn?
Chris Grace - March 17, 2020
Dear CMR,
I have been dating a Christian guy for six months now. He recently told me that he has struggled with porn for 14 years. He is 28 and watches porn a few times a week. He wants me to forgive/extend grace to him while he is working on overcoming his addiction. Is it good or healthy for me to stay in a relationship with someone who is struggling with porn?
Signed, A.
Sex, Pornography, & Relationship Health Scale
Chris Grace - July 18, 2019
Sexuality as designed by God—within the context of marriage—is joyful, pleasurable and relationship strengthening. It is a gift from God to be enjoyed.
Pornography: Will You Ever Trust Them Again?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - June 6, 2018
If a person in your life has opened up to an addiction to pornography, it can be devastating. When they begin to make the climb back, how do they go about rebuilding the trust of the people close to them? This is the topic of this podcast episode. Dr. Tim Muehlhoff and Dr. Chris Grace explore some ways that they can regain your trust and ways that you can learn to give them that trust.
Pornography: How Do We Fight Back?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - May 23, 2018
Continuing their series on sexuality focusing on pornography, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explore how to respond when pornography has become part of your life. For the one using pornography or one close to someone using pornography, part of what we believe as Christians is that there is a spiritual component to our lives. How do we engage spiritually in addiction or pornography use? What do you think?
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