Invisible Threats
Chris Grace - October 31, 2023
In the final video of this three-part series, Dr. Chris Grace explains the nature of those attacks and how you can fight back with supernatural help.
Meant for Good
Christy Leach - April 19, 2023
In observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), today's blog shares the story of Biola colleague and sexual assault survivor, Christy Leach. The CMR is dedicated to both honoring and loving the survivors in our lives, as well as actively participating in efforts to raise awareness that helps prevent the evil of sexual assault. We are grateful for Christy's boldness in sharing her story with us all.
"I Just Won't Tell Them": Keeping Secrets In A Relationship
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - August 10, 2021
Sometimes we have secrets from our past that we may not want others to know. We have all done things or made mistakes of which we are not proud and don't come to light. What do we do with those secrets when we are in a relationship?
Is There Forgiveness After Sex Before Marriage?
Veola Vazquez - March 30, 2021
Dear CMR,
Will God forgive me if I have had sex before marriage?
Signed, Sorry and Afraid
Common Myths and Stigmas of Therapy
Aundrea Paxton - July 1, 2020
The need for therapy is greater than ever, but the stigma can be a barrier. Therapist Aundrea Paxton shares some of the common myths and stigmas of therapy in today's video.
When Was the Last Time You Gave Yourself Grace?
Jennifer Jones - May 5, 2020
Having grace with others can be hard, but having grace with yourself can be even harder. When was the last time you slowed down long enough to give yourself a break from your inner critic? Grace to not be perfect, grace to slow down and enjoy your blessings? Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Jennifer Jones shared an excerpt from her blog with us this week, identifying common signs of the inner critic and providing healthy replacements for those thoughts that embody true grace.
Sex, Pornography, & Relationship Health Scale
Chris Grace - July 18, 2019
Sexuality as designed by God—within the context of marriage—is joyful, pleasurable and relationship strengthening. It is a gift from God to be enjoyed.
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