Are They Emotionally Dependent? Are You?
Aundrea Paxton - August 7, 2018
Dear CMR,
How do I recognize emotional dependency? I am curious where the ine is drawn from depending on someone for support and where that goes too far. How do I deal with someone who might be emotionally dependent?
Signed, Lean On Me
4 Signs You Are Being Manipulated
Willa Williams - July 31, 2018
Manipulation can be overt, and it can also be subtle, flying below our radar. What are some ways that we can recognize manipulation in relationships?
How Do I Recognize Manipulation in Relationships?
Willa Williams - July 24, 2018
Dear CMR,
"I am in friendships that I am worried might be manipulative. What are some ways that I can recognize manipulation within friendships or relationships?"
Curious and Questioning
10 Easy and Thoughtful Quarantine Date Night Ideas
Debra Fileta - July 10, 2018
Dear CMR:
I have been trying to think of dates that I can set up with my wife that will help us connect with each on a deeper level. It can be hard to schedule that into our routine with kids and other things making life busy. Can you help me with some ideas?
SignThe Busy Romantic
7 Ways to Regain Confidence After a Divorce
Chris Grace - June 19, 2018
In this article, Dr. Chris Grace shares seven points on how to begin to build confidence in yourself, relationships, and life in general.
Dating After Divorced: What Do I Do?
Veola Vazquez - June 12, 2018
Dear CMR,
How do I date someone who has been hurt by a previous marriage? What should I be aware of? How should I encourage them in our relationship?
Signed, Dating After Divorce
"Dads are Dispensable": 5 Myths About Fathers and Families
W. Bradford Wilcox - June 5, 2018
Dr. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, explains 5 myths about fathers and their role in families that you might have heard leading up to Father's Day.
What Can Playing Catch Teach You About Communication?
Tim Muehlhoff - May 30, 2018
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff shares an analogy of two brothers throwing a baseball around and how it can teach us about communication patterns.
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