Articles by “Chris Grace”
How to Bring the Spark Back Into Your Marriage
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - June 14, 2017
If you’ve fallen into a relational rut and want to rekindle that spark in your marriage, check this video out!
The Influence of Technology on Relationships, pt. 1
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - June 7, 2017
We are in the age of constant connection. It's not that technology is bad, the problem is that the poor use of it can negatively impact our relationships. While technology makes it easier to connect with those who are far from us, if not used wisely, it can also make it more difficult for us to stay connected with those who are near to us. In today's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff discuss the pros and cons of current technology and how they influence our relationships.
How Can I Help My Spouse Deal with Serious Depression?
Chris Grace - April 7, 2017
Dear CMR,
Do you have any advice for a husband that has a wife that is dealing with serious depression?
Signed, Want To Fight With Her
How Well Do You Know Your Emotions?
Chris Grace - February 28, 2017
In today's blog, Dr. Chris Grace explores the dynamic of understanding each other's emotional state so we can foster a relationship that thrives.
What If I Don't Feel the Way I Used to Feel Toward My Spouse?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - February 21, 2017
Dear CMR:
My wife and I have been married for 10 years, and we have two children ages four and six. I have to admit that with kids, work, family commitments, and other responsibilities on our plate, sometimes things just get stale, and we are super tired. What if you realize that you no longer feel the same way towards your spouse that you once did? How can we bring back the fun, friendship and passion in our marriage during this busy season of life?
Signed, Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’
How Do I Help A Friend Struggling With Depression?
Chris Grace - January 31, 2017
Dear Dr. Grace:
My roommate struggles with depression, and she is often discouraged about the things going on in her life. I am thankful that I can be her friend; it seems like not many others know or understand what she's going through. What do I do?
Signed, A Friend
What To Do When Your Spouse Has a Low Sex Drive
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - January 17, 2017
Dear Dr. Grace and Dr. Muehlhoff:
My husband has a low sex drive and it makes me feel very unwanted. Do you have any advice?
Signed, Feeling Unwanted
Is it Okay to Have Relationship Goals in Marriage?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - January 3, 2017
Dear CMR,
You’ve talked about lowering our expectations for marriage, meaning don’t have unrealistic, over-the-top expectations that our relationship or our spouse can never meet. In regards then to lowering our expectations, is it appropriate to set marriage goals like 1) not fighting over money, 2) not yelling, 3) being an active listener, or 4) having more sex? Is it realistic to set a goal such as not yelling so much? What do you think?
SIgned, A Podcast Listener
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