Meant for Good
Christy Leach - April 19, 2023
In observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), today's blog shares the story of Biola colleague and sexual assault survivor, Christy Leach. The CMR is dedicated to both honoring and loving the survivors in our lives, as well as actively participating in efforts to raise awareness that helps prevent the evil of sexual assault. We are grateful for Christy's boldness in sharing her story with us all.
When Does Anger Become Abuse?
The Art of Relationships Podcast - May 24, 2022
Is your anger abusive towards other people? At what point does it become a problem? In today's podcast, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace teach us how to identify triggers and effectively manage anger in our relationships to avoid hurting others.
Relationships in The Red Zone
The Art of Relationships Podcast - May 5, 2021
It's hard to get out of the "red zone", or even recognize when your relationship is in it. In today's episode, OC United Director of the Domestic Abuse Initiative, Donna Mroz, talks Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff through the telltale signs of abuse and support for those seeking help.
4 Signs You Are Being Manipulated
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - July 31, 2018
Manipulation can be overt, and it can also be subtle, flying below our radar. What are some ways that we can recognize manipulation in relationships?
How Do I Recognize Manipulation in Relationships?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - July 24, 2018
Dear CMR,
"I am in friendships that I am worried might be manipulative. What are some ways that I can recognize manipulation within friendships or relationships?"
Curious and Questioning
What to Think About Abuse in Relationships
Veola Vazquez - February 6, 2018
Dear CMR,
What would you say about abuse in marriage; verbal, physical, psychological? Are they biblical grounds for divorce?
Signed, Damaged
Fifty Shades of Gray and the Cycle of Abuse
Tim Muehlhoff - October 20, 2015
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff confronts the hype behind Fifty Shades of Gray and outlines the dangerous cycle of abuse in relationships.
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