How to Engage in Meaningful Conversations in a Superficial World
Susan Yates - December 8, 2020
As we approach the holidays, family communication will become more and more prevalent. Often times, it can be difficult to have meaningful conversations. Susan Yates shares six steps to have significant conversations with family and how to raise great conversationalists.
Dating and Long Distance Burnout
Alisa Grace - November 17, 2020
Dear CMR,
My boyfriend and I started dating in February before quarantine. It was lots of fun, so we started doing long distance when COVID hit. We’ve been doing long distance a while now, but he says he's lost energy for the relationship and isn't sure if he wants to continue. Right now we're on a break so we can take a breather, pray about it and think it through. Do you have any advice about “relational burn out” or if this might be a point where we call it off?
Long Distance Burnout
Listening Beneath the Noise
Dorothy Littell Greco - November 10, 2020
We were made for connection and communication. In order for connection to happen, we must learn to listen. In this blog, Dorothy Greco shares how purposeful listening leads to meaningful interactions and intentional communication.
The Power of With
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - October 27, 2020
We were made to be in relationship with others. As this challenging season of quarantine seems to drag on, Willa Williams shares how we can seek others and shares the power and hope that can be found in connecting with others.
Moving Past the Fear of Intimacy in Your Marriage
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - October 14, 2020
What does it mean to “let the Holy Spirit guide your marriage”? What do you do if you're too afraid to be vulnerable with your spouse? In this episode, Chris and Tim not only unpack these ideas, but also provide practical insight on difficult questions about constructive feedback, infatuation with what we do not have, and more.
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Marriage. The Power of Positive Perspective
Alisa Grace - October 7, 2020
Changing your perspective to focus on the positive qualities of your spouse can completely transform your marriage. Alisa Grace shares four effective steps on how you can start doing this today!
Can My Significant Other Be My Accountability Partner?
The Art of Relationships Podcast - July 22, 2020
Chris and Tim got together over Zoom this week to answer listener questions on the Art of Relationships podcast. Today’s topic covers accountability partners: is it okay to be accountability partners with the person you are dating? What is the line between authenticity and oversharing?
How to Talk About Divisive Issues
The Art of Relationships Podcast - July 8, 2020
How do you talk about divisive issues with people that disagree with you? Chris and Tim got together this week to talk about healthy tactics that facilitate healthy conversation on controversial topics.
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