What Are Your Emotions Saying To You?
Chris Grace, Kimberly Miller, Tim Muehlhoff - July 10, 2019
“It's an important distinction to make, that the parts of us are not bad. Just like you have arms and legs, parts of your soul aren't bad. You want them, and they can work for you. The problem is if they become extreme, or if they take you over and you're not being led by the Holy Spirit.”
Listener Questions Answered Pt. 6
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - April 17, 2019
"We want to connect with a marriage counselor, but there aren't any near us?" "My friend is making some bad decisions! What do I do?" What do you think? How would you respond to these? These are just some of the questions we get to answer on today's podcast. These situations are ones that listeners have submitted to us and we love taking time to answer them. Listen as Dr. Grace and Dr. Muehlhoff share their thoughts on these situations and others.
We Are Already Married! Why Go To Marriage Counseling?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - August 21, 2018
Dear CMR,
My wife and I have been happily married for four years now and have been encouraged to attend marriage retreats or counseling. We don't have any big issues going on, so what is the point of going to counseling or on a retreat?
Happy Husband
Pornography: How Do We Fight Back?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - May 23, 2018
Continuing their series on sexuality focusing on pornography, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explore how to respond when pornography has become part of your life. For the one using pornography or one close to someone using pornography, part of what we believe as Christians is that there is a spiritual component to our lives. How do we engage spiritually in addiction or pornography use? What do you think?
Life For Your Marriage After An Affair pt.II
Paul Friesen - March 13, 2018
Dr. Paul Friesen continues to share steps to rebuild that foundation for your marriage after experiencing an affair. Take a look at these steps to see how you can work towards restoration and forgiveness in your relationship.
Working Through an Affair
Biola CMR - February 27, 2018
Learn about the story of one couple who prayed for their marriage and fought with God's help to stay together.
What to Think About Abuse in Relationships
Veola Vazquez - February 6, 2018
Dear CMR,
What would you say about abuse in marriage; verbal, physical, psychological? Are they biblical grounds for divorce?
Signed, Damaged
Is Premarital Counseling Really That Important?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - January 16, 2018
Willa Williams (LMFT) explains why premarital counseling can benefit every couple before they obtain their marriage license.
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