Dating, Jealousy, & Expectations: 5 Ways To Grow Your Relationship
Hannah Ellenwood - September 10, 2019
"Picture this scenario: You’ve been getting to know a guy and you find yourself spending more time together… As you do, you notice something: There is a girl in his close circle of friends with who he seems to be really close. You trust him, but you wonder what to do because it seems like this could become an issue."
Is Marriage Worth Choosing?
Debra Fileta, Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - August 21, 2019
"If you're not fighting in a relationship, then someone's lying. Someone's not telling the truth because you're taking a passive stance...There is a huge difference between selflessness and passivity. A lot of times in the name of selflessness, we're just like 'Well, I'm not going to bring it up. I'm not going to say what I need. I'm not going to talk through this.' That's not selflessness, that's conflict avoiding."
Today we continue the conversation with author Debra Fileta on how intentionally couples need to continually choose marriage rather than choosing to focus on personal happiness.
What Should Dating Look Like?
Debra Fileta, Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - August 7, 2019
First dates, love notes, romance, there are so many different approaches to how it should be done. Christians are often told to avoid the hookup culture that is so common today, but beyond that, what should they do?
"Why Hasn't He Asked Me Out?"
Debra Fileta - August 6, 2019
Dear CMR,
I've been getting to know a guy for the last few months and I have done my best to show him I am interested in dating. Why hasn't he asked me out yet? Am I doing something wrong?
Interested In Him
I'm New To Online Dating. Help!
Debra Fileta - July 9, 2019
Dear CMR,
I recently started considering online dating but it feels intimidating. Can you give me any advice that will make it easier to find a person worth getting to know?
Signed, New To This
"You'll Just Know When You Meet 'The One'"
Debra Fileta - June 25, 2019
Dear CMR,
I am single. Some of my dating friends recently told me that when I meet “the right person,” I'll just know they are right for me. I've heard that advice before, but is it true?
Signed, Looking for the One
CMR's Freeway Series: Angels v. Dodgers Pt.2
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - June 12, 2019
"So, if my son has a bad game am I just going to go throttle on him and lay on more after the game. That's not what he needs to hear. He kind of needs to hear the 'I love you no matter what.' That's important to show like 'I love you when you do well' and 'I love you when you do bad' because my love is not indicative of your results. That is really important for a child to hear that. Like, 'I love you no matter what, okay?'
Tune in as we continue the conversation with the Angels and Dodgers chaplains as they discuss how to parent their own kids in the midst of a performance-driven culture. -
Should You Date Just To Date?
Tim Muehlhoff - June 5, 2019
Should a person ever date just to learn how to date? Dr. Tim Muehlhoff examines the idea of casual dating and why simply learning how to do it well can benefit you.
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