Make the Most of Your Last Holiday as a Student
Kayla Santos - December 14, 2021
There is something special about getting together with your friends to hang Christmas decorations in your dorm or apartment. For most graduating seniors, this is the last time they'll be able to enjoy the holiday season in true student fashion. How can they make the most of it?
How to Pray for Your Kids and All the Challenges They Face This Fall
Susan Yates - October 19, 2021
Are your children feeling the stress of the new season, and you don't know how to help them? In today's blog, Susan Yates shares helpful tips on how to encourage your children through uncertainty, and how to seek hope in our faithful God.
How to "Let" Your College Student Go to College
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - September 14, 2021
Dropping your kid off at college, whether it is the first time or not, can be an emotional, scary, and exciting experience. But how do you process those feelings? In today's blog, Marriage and Family Therapist Willa Williams gives four insights on how to deal with your child leaving for college and moving forward with your own adventure.
Raising a Family in a Fishbowl
Davette Bishop - June 8, 2021
In this week's blog, Davette Bishop shares her experiences raising her children as a pastor's wife, navigating through obstacles, and battling her own insecurities. Her personal testimony guides us through the importance of examining our hearts when raising a family and knowing our identity as children of God.
The Sacred Work of Mothering Part 2
Alison Cook - May 11, 2021
Being a mom comes with great power, challenges, and responsibility. Last week, Alison Cook discussed a mother's "sacred work" and the first precious gift a mother gives her child. To read part one of Alison's blog, click here. In today's blog, Alison continues the discussion with the last two precious gifts that best show how God parents us.
Too Much FaceTime and Not Enough Face-to-Face Time?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - March 22, 2021
In its rightful place, technology is a great resource! But it's so easy to get lost in our phones that we often lose sight of what is right in front of us: our family, our friends, and even our kids. In today's blog, Willa Williams talks about balancing technology and authentic human interactions to create fulfilling relationships.
What to Do if Your Sibling is the Worst
Aubrey Martin - March 9, 2021
You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. However, you can choose how to treat your family. In today's blog, Aubrey Martin shares some tips to make your relationship with your sibling not just tolerable, but enjoyable!
The Infertility Journey (Part 2)
The Art of Relationships Podcast - February 17, 2021
Founders of Uniquely Knitted Doug and Jesse Brown continue their conversation from last week with Chris and Tim about the difficulties of infertility and how to face these struggles as a couple.
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