Tackle Debt vs. Saving? What Do We Do?
Rick Bee - August 20, 2019
Dear CMR,
As a young person, newly married what is more important? Saving, or paying off debt?
Trying To Be Financially Wise
5 Ways My Parents Shaped My Spiritual Life
Lauren Miller - July 30, 2019
“My parents did more than teach me how to walk as a believer and honor Christ in all things; they showed me.”
Growing Up Biracial: How I Learned To Embrace Diversity
Jennifer Jones - July 16, 2019
“Our mother married our father during a time when interracial marriage was unacceptable, in 1969, two years after interracial marriage was legalized, and most of her family disowned her.”
Dictator, Boss, Coach, Consultant: Which Parent Are You?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - June 4, 2019
Many questions can circulate as parents try to find ways to train and shape their children. These four roles of Dictator, Boss, Coach and Consultant offer a framework to use.
How Does A Working Mom Do It?
Jennifer Jones - May 28, 2019
"Dear CMR,
As a working mom and wife, I find it hard to balance time with my kids, my husband, and all of the things on my plate. How should I prioritize my time?"
Graduating and Moving Home: Living with Parents Post-Graduation
Jessica Brest - April 23, 2019
What once was a normal environment at home can become a foreign one filled with questions and uncertainty. Jessica Brest shares how to navigate life at home after graduation.
Is Technology Running Your Home?
Alisa Grace, Veola Vazquez - April 10, 2019
Technology is becoming more and more integrated into our lives. We encourage you to have a conversation with your spouse or your teenager or your child about how to use the technology.
My Family Doesn't Know Me Anymore!
Tiffany Swafford - April 2, 2019
Dear CMR,
I am a college sophomore and I've been trying to move my relationship with my parents into an age-appropriate place. I don't live close to them and I am growing and changing in ways they aren't around to see. I still want them in my life but since we don't live close, how do I grow and encourage them to understand that I am changing and evolving?
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