3 Ways To Ruin An Apology
Jana Anderson, Alisa Grace - June 21, 2023
In this todays blog, CMR Co-director, Alisa Grace and Dr. Jana Anderson offer three examples of ruining an apology and explain how and why to avoid these three practices when seeking forgiveness.
5 Signs of A Rock Solid Friendship, Part II
The Art of Relationships Podcast - June 14, 2023
In part two of a two part podcast series, CMR Co-Directors Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace discuss the key role intimacy plays in friendship and offer the remaining signs to look for to grow your friendships into rock solid relationships
Help! My Friendships Are Really Shallow!
Veola Vazquez - June 7, 2023
Do your friendships feel surface level? Is the fear of rejection holding you back? In today's video, professor and licensed psychologist Dr. Veola Vazquez answers your questions on shallow relationships and offers practical steps to help deepen the friendships in your life and build new ones.
Why is My Friend Pushing Me Away?
Willa Williams - June 7, 2023
Dear CMR,
What do I do when a good friend is hurting but pushes me away when I try to be there for them?
Signed, Angry and Concerned
5 Signs of A Rock Solid Friendship, Part I
The Art of Relationships Podcast - May 31, 2023
In part one of a two part podcast series, CMR Co-Directors Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace discuss the key role intimacy plays in friendship and offer five signs to look for to grow your friendships into rock solid relationships.
Behind The Scenes: A Mini Episode
The Art of Relationships Podcast - April 11, 2023
In today's podcast, co-directors Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace sit down with Ashlee Kyser, the newest member of the CMR team, to discuss what it is like transitioning from a student to staff at Biola, and share resources available for students and new graduates.
Forgiveness Helps Us
Matthew Williams - April 5, 2023
Unforgiveness harms us physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Recognizing our own areas of unforgiveness may be difficult, but in today's video, Dr. Matt Williams offers helpful reminders of the significance of forgiving others.
I Never Thought
Clarence Schuler - January 24, 2023
"View other people in the same way God values you"
In today's blog, President and CEO of Building Lasting Relationships, Clarence Shuler, writes on his experience as an African American growing up in North Carolina in 1968 when segregation was still enforced in his city. He recalls meeting Gary Chapman, a white man, and the deep, cross-cultural friendship they developed through the years.
Clarence stresses the importance of cross-cultural relationships and learning to communicate well with those of different cultures and races.
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