Forgiveness Helps Us
Matthew Williams - April 5, 2023
Unforgiveness harms us physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Recognizing our own areas of unforgiveness may be difficult, but in today's video, Dr. Matt Williams offers helpful reminders of the significance of forgiving others.
I Never Thought
Clarence Schuler - January 24, 2023
"View other people in the same way God values you"
In today's blog, President and CEO of Building Lasting Relationships, Clarence Shuler, writes on his experience as an African American growing up in North Carolina in 1968 when segregation was still enforced in his city. He recalls meeting Gary Chapman, a white man, and the deep, cross-cultural friendship they developed through the years.
Clarence stresses the importance of cross-cultural relationships and learning to communicate well with those of different cultures and races.
Discovering God's Common Grace in an Unsettled World
Tim Muehlhoff - March 23, 2022
Is God at work in today's argument culture? Sometimes it may be difficult to see how He's at work, but in Dr. Tim Muehlhoff's video, he reminds us that practicing good, healthy communication during conflict can actually point others to God.
The Science of Making and Keeping Friends (Part 2/3)
Chris Grace - March 22, 2022
What causes us to gravitate towards certain people but not others? Do the friends we hang around with really shape who we become? In today's blog, Dr. Chris Grace explains how simply living near someone or running into them repeatedly can foster a close friendship.
Test Your Knowledge of Friendships (Part 1/3)
Chris Grace - March 15, 2022
What are the priorities of a biblical friendship? Dr. Chris Grace created a quiz to see if our view of friendship matches up with the Bible's view. Take a brief quiz to see how much you know about what the Bible says about friendship!
Before It's Too Late: Take the Time
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - March 8, 2022
Is there something you appreciate about someone but are too afraid to share? In today's blog, Willa Williams shares a personal story that teaches us to express appreciation and vulnerability before it's too late.
How Can I Support A Friend Who Is Depressed?
Chris Grace - January 10, 2022
Dear CMR:
My roommate struggles with depression, and she is often discouraged about the things going on in her life. I am thankful that I can be her friend; it seems like not many others know or understand what she's going through. What should I do?
A Friend
'Tis the Cuffing Season
The Art of Relationships Podcast - December 22, 2021
Are you settling for someone just to avoid loneliness? It's cuffing season, and sometimes that means feeling desperate for any human connection. In today's podcast, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace discuss loneliness, finding friendship, and developing deeper emotional connections.
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