Announcing: Marriage Mentoring Video Series
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - July 28, 2020
The CMR is so excited to announce the launch of our Marriage Mentoring Video Series today! We created this video to use in tandem with the Marriage Mentoring Workbook as a resource for spouses that feel led to train up younger couples in the faith. Both resources are available in Spanish translations.
Does Your Marriage Need a Good Workout?
Don & Alex Flecky - July 28, 2020
Guest authors Don and Alex Flecky explore eight practical ways to keep your relationship in shape.
When Your Spouse's Attitude Stinks
Amber Lia - May 27, 2020
What should you do when your spouse's attitude stinks? In today's blog, author Amber Lia reminds us that in order to be blessed we must first be a blessing.
Home Finances in a Time of Crisis
Rick Bee - May 19, 2020
What should we do regarding our finances in difficult times? In today's Ask the Expert, Senior Director of Advancement Dr. Rick Bee combines financial expertise with Biblical wisdom to encourage financial planning amidst economic uncertainty.
Marriage, Relationships, and Quarantine
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace, Calvary Life Podcast - May 13, 2020
This week, the CMR brings you a special podcast episode on marriage, relationships, and quarantine. Chris and Alisa were featured as guests on Calvary Life's podcast to talk about how to encourage grace in your home, how to counter the desire to criticize, and how to facilitate difficult discussions.
How to be Married in Quarantine
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - May 6, 2020
Chris and Tim went live on Facebook last week to talk about how to be married quarantine. The guys go over three tips to help navigate and adapt to the new rules and expectations of the new normal we are all living.
4 Easy Things You Can Do to Improve Your Relationship While Sheltering at Home
Willa Williams - April 28, 2020
Has it been easier or harder to communicate with your significant other during quarantine? Chances are, it's been harder, but the challenge of healthy communication during quarantine is an opportunity to build even deeper relationships. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Willa Williams outlines four easy things you can do to improve your relationship while sheltering at home.
What to do When You Parent Differently
Amber Lia - April 21, 2020
Have you and your spouse ever been on different pages when it comes to your preferred parenting techniques? One of the biggest marriage triggers occurs when a husband and wife parent differently. Best-selling author and teacher Amber Lia outlines two practical changes to unify your parenting approach.
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