The Story of Marriage Mentors
Biola CMR - December 6, 2018
Meet Joey and Theresa, who, after 22 years of marriage, have learned lessons that they not only pass on to couples they mentor but to their own children as well.
Building A Marriage While Building The Fairly OddParents Pt.I
Chris Grace, Butch Hartman, Tim Muehlhoff - December 5, 2018
Does the name Butch Hartman sound familiar? What about the FairlyOdd Parents? In this episode of our podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff talk with Butch Hartman, the creator, producer, and lead animator of The FairlyOdd Parents, an animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon for over 20 years! He and his wife Juliann share the story of how they met, how they got started in the entertainment world, and how they had to learn to fight for their marriage in the midst of the demands of their careers.
How And Why Should I Pray For My Marriage?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - November 21, 2018
Revisiting the topic of spiritual warfare, we focus on prayer being a powerful tool to fight for your marriage. Focusing specifically on the Lord's Prayer, we break down each piece and talk through the authority it gives to believers and to marriage relationships. What does it mean that we are called to pray to "our Father?" What does it mean to keep His name holy?
Thanksgiving Through The Eyes of Newlyweds
Ben and Nicole Longinow - November 20, 2018
We pray that what we have learned in our first year of marriage may be encouraging to you whether you’ve been married for fifty years or you’re not in a relationship at all.
Finally, Some Good News About Divorce
Chris Grace - September 25, 2018
Dr. Chris Grace walks readers through commonly believed statistics about divorce. Maybe some of them aren’t as accurate as we think!
3 Easy Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong
Alisa Grace - September 19, 2018
In this video, Alisa Grace shares 3 easy steps that you can take today to keep your relationship strong.
Spiritual Warfare In Relationships? What Is That?
Tim Muehlhoff - September 18, 2018
Dear CMR,
My wife and I have been enjoying our marriage but occasionally find ourselves in arguments or feeling divided for unexplained reasons. Some friends have suggested praying against spiritual oppression. That sounds scary. Can you add some input?"
Signed, Spiritually Wary
Help! I Feel Abandoned In My Own Marriage!
Chris Grace - September 4, 2018
Dear CMR,
My husband and I have been married for 30+ years. He suffers from depression and takes medication. Here is my question: We have not been intimate in 5 years, and while he pursues going to the doctor for his physical and mental health, he does not pursue finding out why he has no desire for sex or intimacy. What can I do? I feel abandoned.
Signed, Feeling Abandoned
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