The Beauty of a Christian Marriage: A Conversation with In-N-Out President and CEO Lynsi Snyder-Ellingson and Sean Ellingson
Sean Ellingson, Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff, Lynsi Snyder-Ellingson - November 17, 2021
What does a Christian marriage look like? Is it honesty, humility, transparency? In this week's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff invite special guest speakers, Lynsi Snyder-Ellingson, the owner of In-N-Out, and her husband Sean to talk about trials, transparency, ministry, and healing within their Christian marriage.
To All The Single Ladies (And Guys)
Hannah Ellenwood - November 2, 2021
In this week's blog, Hannah Ellenwood suggests seven things to focus on as you walk through life when dating or marriage is not part of the picture.
Why Money Makes Us Emotional
Chris Grace - September 28, 2021
How do you react to conversations about money? Do you run and hide from this difficult topic? In today's blog, Dr. Chris Grace reveals that arguments about money are often fueled by deeper feelings, and shares how to have conversations about money that are healthy, insightful, and bring you closer together!
"They Are Still Upset At Me!"
Tim Muehlhoff - August 3, 2021
Dear CMR,
With post-argument conflict, what do you do if one spouse is ready to resolve things and the other is still upset and doesn't want to make amends just yet?
Signed, Wanting To Make-Up
Do You Have Too Many Opposite-Sex Friendships?
Debra Fileta - July 20, 2021
In this week's blog, Licensed Professional Counselor Debra Fileta discusses how to evaluate the diversity of your friendships and shares what a healthy balance of opposite-sex friendships should look like.
How to Date Your Spouse
The Art of Relationships Podcast - July 7, 2021
Whether you are newlywed or have been married for over 20 years, it's time for a date night. Dating allows couples to cultivate an intimate marriage that thrives and brings glory to God. In this week's episode, Dr. Chris and Alisa Grace talk about dating in marriage and how to make your spouse a priority.
The Secret to 69 Years of Marriage
Aubrey Martin - July 6, 2021
My grandparents recently celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary. Sixty-nine years of love, commitment, and faith. As I congratulated them on the phone, I couldn’t help but wonder - what was their secret?
Kind Words In Marriage
Sarah Do - May 12, 2021
Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words can also hurt us. The words we use have weight, so we need to weigh our words before we use them. In today's video, Pastoral Care Counselor Sarah Do speaks on managing our hurtful words and shares how we can speak kind words during those difficult times in marriage.
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