6 Ways You're Teaching Your Kids Relationship-Killers and What You Can Do To Change It
Alisa Grace - September 12, 2017
Alisa Grace dives deep into 6 ways we are teaching our children relationship-killers and how we can go about fixing them.
Preparing Your Marriage for Parenthood
Emily Pardy - August 29, 2017
It's no question that your marriage will be impacted when you become parents, so how can you best prepare for this sudden change? Today, Emily Pardy, MMFT, offers practical tips on how to equip yourselves for parenthood.
Engaged and Pregnant
Veola Vazquez - August 8, 2017
Dear CMR,
I am engaged and pregnant. I have two kids at home and my fiancé has two that are grown. How soon should we get married and how soon should our kids be told?
Signed, Engaged and Pregnant
How Parenting Impacts Your Child, pt. 2
The Art of Relationships Podcast - May 24, 2017
Relationships are hard work, and parenting is certainly no exception. Child psychologists say that ages newborn to six are extremely formative in a child's self-identity, making it critical to establish a healthy parenting philosophy early on. In today's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explore the different seasons of parenting styles and offer practical ways to foster healthy relationships with your children.
How Your Parenting Impacts Your Child
The Art of Relationships Podcast - May 10, 2017
Relationships are hard work, and parenting is certainly no exception. Child psychologists say that ages zero to six are extremely formative in a child's self-identity, making it critical to establish a healthy parenting philosophy early on. In today's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff break down results from a classic Harvard case study that explores the relationship between parenting and a child's development.
Top 3 Barriers to Effective Listening and How to Overcome Them
Tim Muehlhoff - October 4, 2016
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff delves into the top 3 barriers to effective listening and how to overcome them.
5 guidelines on how to fight fair in front of your kids
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - September 13, 2016
To make sure your healthy conflict is instructive for your kids, keep in mind the guidelines that Willa shares in her blog.
Mission-Led Parenting In A Culture Of Busyness
The Art of Relationships Podcast - August 3, 2016
If you have kids, your schedule is most likely filled to the brim with extracurricular activities and sports, and your family is pulled in ten million different directions. Our podcast guests Dave and Ann Wilson of Kensington Church in Detroit, Michigan, share their strategies for determining priorities and developing a mission for raising their kids.
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