Rekindling Your Marriage As Empty Nesters
Alisa Grace - April 18, 2017
Dear CMR,
As my wife and I are getting older, and our children are leaving the nest, what are some recreational things we can do to reconnect with each other?
Signed, Empty Nest and Ready to Go!
Call a "Relational Truce" to Your Conflict
The Art of Relationships Podcast - April 12, 2017
Establishing and cultivating a healthy "relationship climate" can be hard work, especially in the midst of a disagreement. When couples get caught up in the heat of the moment, they can make mistakes that hurt the climate of their relationship. In today's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explore Proverbs to discuss the concept of a "relational truce" and how to apply it when working through conflict within a marriage.
True Love Dates, pt. 2
The Art of Relationships Podcast - March 29, 2017
In a world that condones and even encourages the hookup culture, dating for Christians can either become a taboo subject or avoided altogether if not approached with the intent to marry. These two opposite extremes make dating a very confusing subject, especially if you don't belong in either category. In today's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff sit down with Debra Fileta again, author of True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide To Finding the Love of Your Life, to discuss how to navigate relationships well from a healthy Christian perspective.
The One Sentence Explosion
Tim Muehlhoff - March 28, 2017
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explores the negative effects of unexpressed conflicts and how Scripture helps us deal with anger and work through disagreements in a God-honoring way that actually protects and restores our relationships
Love, Respect, and Ephesians 5
Biola CMR - March 22, 2017
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff helps us understand the foundational principles in Ephesians 5 and discusses how our personal spiritual growth is a must for us to experience a successful marriage.
True Love Dates
The Art of Relationships Podcast - March 15, 2017
In a world that condones and even encourages the hookup culture, dating for Christians can either become a taboo subject or avoided altogether if not approached with the intent to marry. These two opposite extremes make dating a very confusing subject, especially if you don't belong in either category. In today's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff sit down with Debra Fileta, author of True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide To Finding the Love of Your Life, to discuss how Christians can reclaim the concept of casual dating and pursue each other in a God-honoring way.
Healing the Hurt When Someone Crosses a Boundary
Tim Muehlhoff - March 14, 2017
Dr. Tim Muehlhoff breaks down the different categories of communication and offers ways to foster reconciliation after a communication boundary has been crossed.
Do You Need a "Re-Focus" When it Comes to Your Marriage Mindset?
The Art of Relationships Podcast - March 1, 2017
It can be easy for a couple to slip into the mindset of their partner being there to make them happy, all the while losing focus on God's intended purpose for their relationship. What are some ways to re-focus this mindset and instill the biblical truth that marriage primarily is a means of glorifying God? In today's podcast, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff sit down with Bryan Loritts, lead pastor of Abundant Life Church in Silicon Valley to explore this topic based on Pastor Loritt's new book, "Saving The Saved: How Jesus Saves Us from Try-Harder Christianity into Performance-Free Love."
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