I'm Stuck at Home and Going Crazy
Chris Grace - May 12, 2020
Dear CMR:
Because of some recent circumstances I am stuck at home all day, and while I love my family, I am starting to feel like my boundaries are being pushed—or like I am becoming trapped. What can I do before I go crazy?
Mother's Day - Reinvented
Lynnaea Martin - May 8, 2020
What are your plans for Mother's Day? This question, usually simple to answer, may evoke feelings of sadness, grief, and loss for some, particularly this year. How are we supposed to make this day special when celebrations everywhere have been put on pause? Although circumstances demand us to reinvent how we spend our time together (or apart) this Mother's day, we can bask in the lavish gifts that God bestows on his children in every circumstance.
When Was the Last Time You Gave Yourself Grace?
Jennifer Jones - May 5, 2020
Having grace with others can be hard, but having grace with yourself can be even harder. When was the last time you slowed down long enough to give yourself a break from your inner critic? Grace to not be perfect, grace to slow down and enjoy your blessings? Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Jennifer Jones shared an excerpt from her blog with us this week, identifying common signs of the inner critic and providing healthy replacements for those thoughts that embody true grace.
4 Easy Things You Can Do to Improve Your Relationship While Sheltering at Home
Willa Williams - April 28, 2020
Has it been easier or harder to communicate with your significant other during quarantine? Chances are, it's been harder, but the challenge of healthy communication during quarantine is an opportunity to build even deeper relationships. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Willa Williams outlines four easy things you can do to improve your relationship while sheltering at home.
What to do When You Parent Differently
Amber Lia - April 21, 2020
Have you and your spouse ever been on different pages when it comes to your preferred parenting techniques? One of the biggest marriage triggers occurs when a husband and wife parent differently. Best-selling author and teacher Amber Lia outlines two practical changes to unify your parenting approach.
10 Quarantine-approved Date Ideas You Can Do at Home
Kayla Santos - April 14, 2020
Whether you're miles apart or a few feet apart, these Quarantine-approved dates are for you!
How the Enneagram Can Strengthen Your Relationships
Chris Grace - April 8, 2020
Chris Grace discusses how the Enneagram can be used as a tool to strengthen relationships.
Help! My Spouse Doesn't Like to Deal with Conflict!
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - April 7, 2020
Dear CMR,
What is the best thing to do when your spouse doesn't want to talk about your conflicts or their feelings or thoughts about it. What if they just want to run away and ignore it as if there is no conflict at all?
Signed, Let's Talk About It
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