Articles by “Chris Grace”
When You Disagree with Your Spouse About Social Issues
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - August 26, 2020
What should you do when you disagree with your spouse about social issues? Chris and Tim got together over Zoom to discuss hot button topics and how to talk about them with your spouse.
When You Disagree With Your Friends About Social Issues
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - August 12, 2020
Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff got together this week (socially-distanced, of course!) to talk about social issues and what to do when your friends disagree with you on hot button topics.
Announcing: Marriage Mentoring Video Series
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - July 28, 2020
The CMR is so excited to announce the launch of our Marriage Mentoring Video Series today! We created this video to use in tandem with the Marriage Mentoring Workbook as a resource for spouses that feel led to train up younger couples in the faith. Both resources are available in Spanish translations.
Grieving Milestones Missed Due to COVID-19
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - July 15, 2020
COVID-19 has paused or cancelled many milestones in 2020. It's natural to grieve the loss of these milestones, so Chris and Tim got together to talk about healthy processing tools.
How to Date in Quarantine
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - May 20, 2020
Dating always comes with challenges, but dating during quarantine is uniquely difficult. Chris Grace and Tim Muehlhoff chatted over Zoom this week to provide practical wisdom for developing healthy intimacy in new relationships.
Marriage, Relationships, and Quarantine
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace, Calvary Life Podcast - May 13, 2020
This week, the CMR brings you a special podcast episode on marriage, relationships, and quarantine. Chris and Alisa were featured as guests on Calvary Life's podcast to talk about how to encourage grace in your home, how to counter the desire to criticize, and how to facilitate difficult discussions.
I'm Stuck at Home and Going Crazy
Chris Grace - May 12, 2020
Dear CMR:
Because of some recent circumstances I am stuck at home all day, and while I love my family, I am starting to feel like my boundaries are being pushed—or like I am becoming trapped. What can I do before I go crazy?
How to be Married in Quarantine
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - May 6, 2020
Chris and Tim went live on Facebook last week to talk about how to be married quarantine. The guys go over three tips to help navigate and adapt to the new rules and expectations of the new normal we are all living.
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