You Just Fought: Now What? 3 Steps to Repair After a Fight
Chris Grace - March 12, 2019
How do you repair your relationship after an argument and restore the connection you had? This article explains some research behind arguments and how to resolve things in a healthy way.
Me & You & A New Baby, Too
Alisa Grace - February 26, 2019
When kids first enter the picture, the focus is often on the mother's role in parenting which can leave the husband feeling isolated and useless. But, according to research a father actually has a big role to play!
Don't Let Hollywood Ruin Your Love Life
Tim Muehlhoff - February 12, 2019
In this blog, Dr. Tim Muehlhoff explains how Hollywood is painting an unrealistic picture of what relationships should look like.
4 Things Men Need From Other Men (That They Can't Get From Women)
Paul Friesen - January 29, 2019
Men need each other. This article by Dr. Paul Friesen explains some of the ways that men and women are different from each other, and four things that men need to acknowledge about the way they connect.
A Word To Occasionally Absent Fathers
Tim Muehlhoff - January 15, 2019
"Describe your father in one word." One by one, the all-male audience shouted out words like "disconnected; moody; short-tempered; encouraging; quiet; distant; friend; irritable; depressed; non-engaging."
Create Christmas Traditions To Remember
Jessica Brest - December 25, 2018
No matter where you are this season or who you have around you, these are some traditions that you can implement into your holidays to keep this time of year festive!
Turning Conflict Into An Ally
Biola CMR - December 20, 2018
After recognizing their poor communication and conflict management skills were damaging their relationship, now-married couple Kenny and Rylie reflect on how the CMR helped them.
Through Rose-Colored Glasses: Developing Healthy Views Of Yourself
Jennifer Jones - December 18, 2018
In this article, Jennifer Jones, LMFT shares how to recognize your filters, how to begin changing negative ones for the better, and how to find God in the process.
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