4 Signs You Are Being Manipulated
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - July 31, 2018
Manipulation can be overt, and it can also be subtle, flying below our radar. What are some ways that we can recognize manipulation in relationships?
"Dads are Dispensable": 5 Myths About Fathers and Families
W. Bradford Wilcox - June 5, 2018
Dr. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, explains 5 myths about fathers and their role in families that you might have heard leading up to Father's Day.
A Foundation Worth Building On: 6 Things to Look For, pt.II
Hannah Ellenwood - April 10, 2018
Hannah Ellenwood continues the conversation on what qualities to value and look for in a future dating partner.
A Foundation Worth Building On: 6 Things to Look For, pt. I
Hannah Ellenwood - March 27, 2018
Guest author and Biola alum Hannah Ellenwood ('15) writes about things that she has learned to look for, things that she may not have considered important in years past.
Life For Your Marriage After An Affair pt.II
Paul Friesen - March 13, 2018
Dr. Paul Friesen continues to share steps to rebuild that foundation for your marriage after experiencing an affair. Take a look at these steps to see how you can work towards restoration and forgiveness in your relationship.
Working Through an Affair
Biola CMR - February 27, 2018
Learn about the story of one couple who prayed for their marriage and fought with God's help to stay together.
Life For Your Marriage After An Affair pt.I
Paul Friesen - February 27, 2018
This article lists 8 important truths on the road to reconciliation.
A Class About Christian Perspectives on Marriage and Relationships?
Biola CMR - February 22, 2018
Biola’s Center for Marriage and Relationships offers an upper-division undergraduate course called "Christian Perspectives on Marriage and Relationships." Read what two best friends said about the course!
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