Test Your Knowledge of Friendships (Part 1/3)
Chris Grace - March 15, 2022
What are the priorities of a biblical friendship? Dr. Chris Grace created a quiz to see if our view of friendship matches up with the Bible's view. Take a brief quiz to see how much you know about what the Bible says about friendship!
Before It's Too Late: Take the Time
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - March 8, 2022
Is there something you appreciate about someone but are too afraid to share? In today's blog, Willa Williams shares a personal story that teaches us to express appreciation and vulnerability before it's too late.
Are We Compatible?
Mandy Fischer - March 1, 2022
Have you taken the Myers Briggs personality test? How does it play into relationship compatibility? In today’s blog, Mandy Fischer shares her love for personality tests and also tips on how to interpret the results.
Romance of Remembering
Arlene Pellicane - February 22, 2022
Does your marriage feel like it's at a standstill? If you're feeling like the romance is fading away, remind yourself of how you fell in love in the first place. Read Arlene Pellicane's blog about the romance of remembering the past!
The Spiritual Battle for Your Marriage
Tim Muehlhoff, Noreen Muehlhoff - February 16, 2022
Based on his book Defending Your Marriage, Dr. Tim and Noreen Muehlhoff join Focus on the Family’s Jim Daley and John Fuller to share about the reality of spiritual warfare against marriages and how to combat the enemy’s lies with the truth of God.
25 Easy Tips to Make You and Your Spouse Closer Than Ever!
Alisa Grace - February 15, 2022
Do you feel like you and your spouse are "growing apart"? What can you do about it? In Alisa Grace's blog, she suggests 25 ways to bring you and your spouse closer together!
Why Should I Forgive?
Mandy Fischer - February 8, 2022
Are you holding on to any grudges? In today's blog, Mandy Fischer writes tips about how to extend forgiveness to those who have hurt you as well as how to ask forgiveness from someone.
When They Just Push Your Buttons: 3 Steps To Controlling Your Reaction
Jessica Brest - January 25, 2022
Do the little things your partner does get on your nerves? In today’s blog, we discover how to identify the root of our outbursts as well as learn steps for controlling our reactions.
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