Help, My Friend is SO Needy!
Alisa Grace - September 21, 2021
Dear CMR,
One of our friends in our friend group is "too much." Very emotionally needy, talks about himself a lot, asks for advice but never takes it, and dates the wrong people. We don’t want to ”unfriend” him, but he’s driving us crazy! What should we do?
How to "Let" Your College Student Go to College
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - September 14, 2021
Dropping your kid off at college, whether it is the first time or not, can be an emotional, scary, and exciting experience. But how do you process those feelings? In today's blog, Marriage and Family Therapist Willa Williams gives four insights on how to deal with your child leaving for college and moving forward with your own adventure.
The Secret to a Rich Life
Chris Grace - September 8, 2021
Are you feeling the burden of money and financial decision-making in your relationship? Talking about how to deal with money in a relationship can be a divisive and difficult conversation. In this week's blog, Dr. Chris Grace reveals how to avoid arguments and find harmony in your relationship through conversations about money.
How Do We Have Productive Conflict In Relationships?
Chris Grace - September 1, 2021
How often does conflict show up in your relationship? How often does that conflict end in a way that is helpful and affirming to you? Is that even possible? Dr. Chris Grace provides insight on how to grow as a couple through the way you engage in conflict.
Help! I Have a Terrible Roommate!
Aubrey Martin - August 31, 2021
Are you struggling to talk to your roommate? Whether you have a roommate for the first time in your life or you have lived with multiple roommates, navigating roommate situations can be complex. This week's blog offers practical communication tips to help you improve your roommate relationship.
Want Better Friendships? Here's How It's Done
Kayla Santos - August 24, 2021
Do you ever find yourself having a conversation with friends and you seem to run out of things to talk about? Or you always seem to talk about the same thing? Your job? Check. Your significant other? Check. The weather? Check. How can you take your relationships deeper?
"I Just Won't Tell Them": Keeping Secrets In A Relationship
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - August 10, 2021
Sometimes we have secrets from our past that we may not want others to know. We have all done things or made mistakes of which we are not proud and don't come to light. What do we do with those secrets when we are in a relationship?
Learning to Forgive Others (and Yourself)
Chris Grace - August 4, 2021
Have you been struggling to forgive? How can you forgive yourself, or the ones who hurt you the most? In today's video, Dr. Chris Grace shares what it means to forgive, and the critical steps you need to take towards forgiveness.
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