Pick Your Pain: Choosing the Path of Growth in Relationships
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - October 2, 2024
Avoiding conflict and emotional discomfort may seem like the easiest route, but it often leads to greater loneliness, bitterness, and regret. In this article, we explore why there is no pain-free option in relationships and how choosing the right kind of pain—like confronting tough conversations or seeking reconciliation—can lead to deeper connection, freedom, and personal growth.
How Can I Forgive Others?
Matthew Williams - August 9, 2023
In today's video, Dr. Matt Williams finishes his video series by offering practical tools to help begin to forgive others.
What is Forgiveness?
Matthew Williams - July 20, 2023
In today's video Dr. Matt Williams continues in his series on forgiveness by addressing the assumptions we make about forgiveness and invites us to seek God to help forgive even the deepest wounds.
The Power of Forgiveness
Matthew Williams - June 28, 2023
In today's video Dr. Matt Williams introduces his video series on forgiveness by explaining the power of forgiveness and offers way we should repsond.
3 Ways To Ruin An Apology
Jana Anderson, Alisa Grace - June 21, 2023
In this todays blog, CMR Co-director, Alisa Grace and Dr. Jana Anderson offer three examples of ruining an apology and explain how and why to avoid these three practices when seeking forgiveness.
Why is My Friend Pushing Me Away?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - June 7, 2023
Dear CMR,
What do I do when a good friend is hurting but pushes me away when I try to be there for them?
Signed, Angry and Concerned
Forgiveness Helps Us
Matthew Williams - April 5, 2023
Unforgiveness harms us physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Recognizing our own areas of unforgiveness may be difficult, but in today's video, Dr. Matt Williams offers helpful reminders of the significance of forgiving others.
Porn and Relationships: When Are Sexual Struggles A Deal Breaker?
Debra Fileta - March 21, 2023
Porn is more accessible than ever and is causing immense harm to couple's relationships. It is increasingly difficult for those in relationships to know when their partner's porn use is a deal breaker. Debra addresses this topic, and points her readers to some key things to look for.
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