I Never Thought
Clarence Schuler - January 24, 2023
"View other people in the same way God values you"
In today's blog, President and CEO of Building Lasting Relationships, Clarence Shuler, writes on his experience as an African American growing up in North Carolina in 1968 when segregation was still enforced in his city. He recalls meeting Gary Chapman, a white man, and the deep, cross-cultural friendship they developed through the years.
Clarence stresses the importance of cross-cultural relationships and learning to communicate well with those of different cultures and races.
Fight Right for Your Relationships
Chris Grace - January 11, 2023
Can conflict really be constructive in your realtionship? In today's video, Dr. Chris Grace addresses the ways working through conflict can help build intimacy in your relationship and offers a Christlike model to guide you through healthy conflict.
Why Should I Forgive?
Mandy Fischer - February 8, 2022
Are you holding on to any grudges? In today's blog, Mandy Fischer writes tips about how to extend forgiveness to those who have hurt you as well as how to ask forgiveness from someone.
How Hard Is Forgiveness, Really?
Chris Grace, Tim Muehlhoff - December 29, 2021
Forgiveness can be harder than we first think. In today's video, Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff discuss how to know when you have truly forgiven someone
They Hurt Me! How Do I Forgive Them?
Chris Grace, Alisa Grace - October 13, 2021
How readily do you forgive others? 94% of Americans say it's important to forgive, but only 48% say they actually try to forgive others. Dr. Grace and his wife Alisa discuss how the Holy Spirit can help us move toward forgiving one another, especially when we don't feel like it.
"I Just Won't Tell Them": Keeping Secrets In A Relationship
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - August 10, 2021
Sometimes we have secrets from our past that we may not want others to know. We have all done things or made mistakes of which we are not proud and don't come to light. What do we do with those secrets when we are in a relationship?
Learning to Forgive Others (and Yourself)
Chris Grace - August 4, 2021
Have you been struggling to forgive? How can you forgive yourself, or the ones who hurt you the most? In today's video, Dr. Chris Grace shares what it means to forgive, and the critical steps you need to take towards forgiveness.
"They Are Still Upset At Me!"
Tim Muehlhoff - August 3, 2021
Dear CMR,
With post-argument conflict, what do you do if one spouse is ready to resolve things and the other is still upset and doesn't want to make amends just yet?
Signed, Wanting To Make-Up
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