Raising a Family in a Fishbowl
Davette Bishop - June 8, 2021
In this week's blog, Davette Bishop shares her experiences raising her children as a pastor's wife, navigating through obstacles, and battling her own insecurities. Her personal testimony guides us through the importance of examining our hearts when raising a family and knowing our identity as children of God.
The Sacred Work of Mothering Part 2
Alison Cook - May 11, 2021
Being a mom comes with great power, challenges, and responsibility. Last week, Alison Cook discussed a mother's "sacred work" and the first precious gift a mother gives her child. To read part one of Alison's blog, click here. In today's blog, Alison continues the discussion with the last two precious gifts that best show how God parents us.
The Sacred Work of Mothering
Alison Cook - May 4, 2021
Mothers are one of life's greatest gifts. In a child's life, mothers are a force for good, but they can also do great harm. In this week's blog, Alison Cook discusses the complex nature of motherhood and the three precious gifts that a mother can give her child.
Talking to Your Asian Parents About Mental Health
Sarah Do - March 31, 2021
The social stigma surrounding mental illness in the Asian American culture often makes it difficult to start a conversation about mental health. In this week's video, Pastoral Care Counselor Sarah Do gives practical advice on how to talk about mental health with your loved ones as an Asian American.
How Do I Support My Child When We Don't Agree?
Willa Williams, MA, LMFT, MA in Religion - February 9, 2021
Dear CMR,
We've always taught our 17-yr-old son to stand up/speak up for what is right and don't be a silent by-stander when wrong happens. However, some of his values are changing and don't necessarily reflect the values we taught him growing up. Now he's getting bullied at school because of his outspoken views, which he truly feels passionately about. We love his passion and willingness to stand up for what he believes is right, but how can we as parents be supportive and help him when we don't agree with him?
Unsure How to Be Supportive
Are You Addicted to Your Smartphone?
The Art of Relationships Podcast - January 13, 2021
How much time do you spend on your phone a day? With everyone working remote, it's likely that you spend more time than usual looking at a screen. Dr. Chris Grace and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff invite author Arlene Pellicane to talk about her new book Screen Kids, co-wrote with Gary Chapman. They discuss her approach to smartphones, parenting, screen time, and more.
Five Essential Steps to Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
Alisa Grace - September 23, 2020
As parents, raising kids isn’t easy. On one hand it can be thrilling and on the other hand, they can make you want to pull your hair out. In this week’s video, Alisa Grace shares five essential steps to raising emotionally healthy children from psychologist Dr. John Gottman’s book Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child.
Riding the Academic Roller Coaster? Harness Your Student with Prayer.
Lynnaea Martin - August 25, 2020
As schools across the country open their (virtual) doors this week, students and parents alike are buckling up for the 2020 fall semester roller coaster. Is there a cure for this "commotion sickness"?
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