I Never Thought
Clarence Schuler - January 24, 2023
"View other people in the same way God values you"
In today's blog, President and CEO of Building Lasting Relationships, Clarence Shuler, writes on his experience as an African American growing up in North Carolina in 1968 when segregation was still enforced in his city. He recalls meeting Gary Chapman, a white man, and the deep, cross-cultural friendship they developed through the years.
Clarence stresses the importance of cross-cultural relationships and learning to communicate well with those of different cultures and races.
12 Days of Christmas Love Challenge
Debra Fileta - December 14, 2022
There are lots of ways to say “I love you” during the holidays, aren’t there? But truly, Christmas is the greatest “I love you” all. It’s the ferocious “I love you” from the throne of heaven, because it’s about a God who became man just to show us His love in a tangible way. In today's blog, Debra Fileta offers 12 days of practical ways to "say I love you without words."
How to Get Over Your Fear of Disappointing Others
Alison Cook - November 15, 2022
In today's blog, Dr. Alison Cook explains why we often fear disappointing others, and looks to the life of Jesus to offer biblical guidance for overcoming our fear.
How Not to Raise Entitled Kids: 27 Practical Ideas
Susan Yates - October 13, 2022
"Our mission is to raise our kids based on biblical principles which are solid and true, rather than shifting cultural norms which may be shortsighted." In this week's blog, author and mom to five and grandma of 21, Susan Alexander Yates shares 27 practical ideas for how to not raise entitled kids.
7 Keys to Praying for Your College Student: A Father/Daughter Perspective
Matt Kyser, Ashlee Kyser - September 20, 2022
How do you pray for your child when they are no longer home? Biola senior Ashlee Kyser, and her dad, Pastor Matt Kyser share their story of navigating their relationship during Ashlee's college experience and offer a scriptural model for praying for and with your grown children.
How to STOP Leading People On
Debra Fileta - August 23, 2022
"Are your actions reflecting your words? Do your words back up your actions?" In author Debra Fileta's blog, she identifies key points that can mislead someone to thinking there's more to a friendship and if that's the case, what to do to stop leading someone on.
Too Much, Too Soon? Setting Emotional Boundaries in Dating
Alisa Grace - July 26, 2022
How do you set emotional boundaries in relationships? Read this blog by Alisa Grace for some guidelines to help you set healthy, God-honoring boundaries to improve your romantic relationship.
Eight Practices That Are Revolutionizing My Marriage
Clarence Schuler - June 28, 2022
Want to REVOLUTIONIZE your marriage? Whether you're thriving in your relationship or not, these eight practices from Dr. Clarence Schuler can deepen spiritual intimacy, affection, and establish a strong, healthy foundation for married couples.
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